Dogs Speak Out Against Dog Fighting [HQ]

23 Şubat 2010 Salı, 19:30

1379 izlenme


V.Arel Tuncel

Herdis Daugbjerg
No animal does this to other animals - humans are
worse than animals could ever be

Yael Kv
bring me to tears every time :*(

Meral Saniye Rona
everthıng is not enough... . so around the world
very dangerous people live ıt.

Christine Trudeau
I totally agree with you Herdis...

Kazza Page
thats a wonderful vid... I agree that humans are

Audrey Stager Stansbury
i love this one...wish it wasn't so sad and

LoVegan Loredana Versaci
If only they could speak! Let's be their
voice my friends, we can't let them die!!!!
Look at those eys, they are just Dogs, they are
our best friends!!! Thank you for the tag, you
know what it means to me :(

Jackie Jahn
Sharing this again. Thank you for the tag!!! XxX

Cosmic Rhino
Shared! : )

Euleta Usrey
Thanks! Sharing this.

Lone WolfVegan
Amazing how pretty great joy that we give our
brothers is really great thanks.

Lorraine Brooke-Sumner
Lovely clip- have to share!

Mae Soleiman
Excellent clip with a powerful message!

Shalabh Gupta
thanks for sharing....

Tania Castro
thank you...this video always make me cry
:o(Shared ♥

Franck HalfDobermann-halfwolf
amazing ! thanx !

Bev Silverman
Good clip. Thanks for the tag ♥

Angela Arkalakis
This is an incredible video.thnx ffar's xx

Bee Mitic
oh baby's So beautiful u are all, i love u
animals so much , this video is powerfull , need
to go around all the time...,Thank you for showing

Amy Devine
Short and to the point. Good video. Thank you for
the tag!Those poor babies :(

Ozan Helvacıoğlu
Set the animals free ! Let the people fight
eachother !

Milady Froggy
Yes, Ozan, this would solve several problems at
the same time !

Indrani Sircar
Shared. Bravo! Great work.

Rosemary Muhtesem Demirag Tramantano
Super!! I Love talking dog movies but sad that
this one is not funny

Rosemary Muhtesem Demirag Tramantano
Beautiful Dogs pit bulls they don't deserve
the bad reputation that people who don't know
them give''!!!

Dino Martinez
I love this! Sharing it too!!

Veysel Arel Tuncel

Herdis Daugbjerg
No animal does this to other animals - humans are
worse than animals could ever be

Yael Dierenrechten
bring me to tears every time :*(

Meral Saniye Rona
everthıng is not enough... . so around the world
very dangerous people live ıt.

Christine Trudeau Becker
I totally agree with you Herdis...

Kazza Page
thats a wonderful vid... I agree that humans are

Audrey Stager Stansbury
i love this one...wish it wasn't so sad and

LoVegan Loredana Versaci
If only they could speak! Let's be their
voice my friends, we can't let them die!!!!
Look at those eys, they are just Dogs, they are
our best friends!!! Thank you for the tag, you
know what it means to me :(

Jackie Crossposter Jahn
Sharing this again. Thank you for the tag!!! XxX

Cosmic Rhino
Shared! : )

Euleta Usrey
Thanks! Sharing this.

Lone WolfVegan
Amazing how pretty great joy that we give our
brothers is really great thanks.

Lorraine Brooke-Sumner
Lovely clip- have to share!

Mae Soleiman
Excellent clip with a powerful message!

Shalabh Gupta
thanks for sharing....

Tania Castro
thank you...this video always make me cry
:o(Shared ♥

Franck HeartforaLoba
amazing ! thanx !

Bee Mitic
oh baby's So beautiful u are all, i love u
animals so much , this video is powerfull , need
to go around all the time...,Thank you for showing

Amy Devine
Short and to the point. Good video. Thank you for
the tag!Those poor babies :(

Ozan Helvacıoğlu
Set the animals free ! Let the people fight
eachother !

Milady Froggy
Yes, Ozan, this would solve several problems at
the same time !

Indrani Sircar
Shared. Bravo! Great work.

Rosemary Muhtesem Demirag Tramantano
Super!! I Love talking dog movies but sad that
this one is not funny

Rosemary Muhtesem Demirag Tramantano
Beautiful Dogs pit bulls they don't deserve
the bad reputation that people who don't know
them give''!!!

Armine Katzahian Gospodinova

Dino Martinez
I love this! Sharing it too!!

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