Dünya hiçbir başbakanı böyle konuşmadı..! =))

09 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 23:02

1291 izlenme


Safou Pausini
thank you for tagging ;)

Zie Zeman
thanks for tagging.. :) but sadly i dont
understand the language..

Özkan Sarman
If only I understand =)

Özkan Sarman
SAFOU..! I think if I write in French subtitles.
Do you understand?

Zie Zeman
whats the language here? hehe ive no idea.. &
whats the video about?

Haytham Ben Slimane
god be with you rejeb.TA.....^^

Merve Mimi
thnx but i can't understand too :)

Özkan Sarman
Thnxs merv£ =)

Özkan Sarman
zie @ Our prime minister is speaking Turkish.
French subtitles, I believe

Haytham Ben Slimane
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees....that is it..!!

Özkan Sarman
Do you undersTand..?

Haytham Ben Slimane
i read the sbtitles ........!!!!i i only know
how to spell lettres in turkish..!!:p

Sercan Özkay
knkii noluyoo hayırdır mevzu mu var .d.d.d

Fatima Sarsour فاطمة 法蒂玛
mmm why French!!! Can you translate to English?
or Arabic? :D

Haytham Ben Slimane
yes i can....but it will take time .......you
must wait then...^^

Özkan Sarman
‎00ok =)

Haytham Ben Slimane
‎@ozkan :you can understant it you are

Özkan Sarman
I understand . .

Haytham Ben Slimane
here its come the translations!! i hope you
enjoy it i did my best on it...^^

Haytham Ben Slimane
israeliens are laying all time making stories
...its their state politics.. a state who is never
ashamed of his acts... we would like to request
to the internationale community to do a serious
interrogation to know what happend...an...d to
act seriously about what happend...those who wants
to stand against turkey..and want to test
turkey..must be careful...turkey can be an fidel
allie and can be a very strong ennemis..israel
can nomore hide her crualitie and berberian acts
..nothing can be hide anymore about the ONU their
decisions of blaming israel are enough
today...israel and its gouverment are murders with
no doubt ....they are taking confidence from some
sides(USA)...this time she cant run and get away
after what she did this time....lets stop saying
that israel is always right its sensless ...every
acts is followed with its consequences ....israel
will pay what she did ...today its a new day ..its
a sign....everything is clear this time not
like before ...she commeting crimes...massacres
in fronts of the whole world ... an assasin
state who never regrettes whats he have done and
who never cares about anybody....attcking
innocent civil with fire guns....for this
massacres we will calls it a state
terrorisme....we sad that to them face to face
before:" you are first in
killing(israel)..they a really good in making
crimes and massacres and they show that to the
whole world and they know that ...israel with
all its lies ..all his justifications are sensless
.... she never gonna wash the bloods of innocents
from its hands .....from this moments ..israel
and with all his att***ues....those who are
closing their eyes and pretending to be blind must
know that those crimes ....the way israel act
against innocents in GAZA IN FALASTINE we are with
the inncocents ..with FALASTINE with GAZA we are
and we always be....even when everybody is not
speaking and close their eyes and give on GAZA
...we turkish people..we are here for FLAStine
...for the FALASTINIAN people ...FOR Gaza we will
never turn our backs for you ......GAZA we WILL

Fatima Sarsour فاطمة 法蒂玛
THANK YOU, THANK YOU Haytham!!! now it's
very clear :) barakallahu feek!

Haytham Ben Slimane
le chokra 3l wejeb....!!^^ men tunis inti???

Fatima Sarsour فاطمة 法蒂玛
men Falastine al-mo7tala! :)

Özkan Sarman
Do not thank me? =/

Asiya Ibrahimova
tskler ...

Özkan Sarman
yesS fatma . . IM go go go =)))

Fatima Sarsour فاطمة 法蒂玛
OoOoOh of course I thank you too Özkan :) you
tagged me! Shokran :D

Haytham Ben Slimane
ken allahou f 3awnikom w inchallah senou7rirrou
falastin inchallah.......!!!!

Özkan Sarman
you're weLcome =)

Özkan Sarman
<> Thnxs Haytham . . <> =)

Fatima Sarsour فاطمة 法蒂玛
Thanx Haytham again =) Inchallah!

Haytham Ben Slimane
you are welcome my brother

Haytham Ben Slimane
le chokra 3l wejeb ya fatima.......^^

Özkan Sarman
eyw eyw =)

Haytham Ben Slimane
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....we dont say"
eywa " in tunisia??its only in egypt...!!

Zie Zeman
ok thanks Özkan.. clear explaination Haytham..

Avriela Dominic-crtl Wizhaworld'h
thanks for tag ozkan..

Hagar A.Wahab
thankss for the TaG !!really great speech and
also great man =)

`Б`Mami Mami
thank you :D:DD özkan Abiii

`Б`Mami Mami
thanKs You Özkan Abii

Özkan Sarman
sana noluyo 0olum sen niye İng* konuşuyosun =))

Özkan Sarman
Gerçekten ÖLe abi . .Rica edeerim Görevimiz

Hend Jadallah
it's abt Palestine bt i don't
understand Turkish el mohim Thnx for the Tag :) i
love Erdoğan

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