Eat Pray Love Trailer - In theaters August 13

05 Ekim 2010 Salı, 16:07

1714 izlenme


Anna Sólyom
mmmmm :) :) sooo lovable and sooo beautiful :) :)
I wanna do something exciting as well, *** sooo
inspired! ;-)

Tiffany Rodriguez
book was great...looking forward to the
movie...hope it is as inspiring as the read (:
Cheers and enjoy everyone!

Glenda Elias-Rowe
I'm counting the DAYS!!!!!!!!!

Joanna Hannam
Oh, that looks good. Sure it'll live up to
our expectations!!

Lisa Jo Caron
Can't wait!!

Karena Gopaulchand
Gotta see this!

Suzanne Riege Burke
can't wait! :)

Vanessa C. Stella
this looks incredible- i cannot wait until it
comes out!

Jackie Snow
Can't wait to see it.

MaryLou Dudley
Where was this book/movie 20 years ago?!

Vanessa Lee Snyder
ok already brought tears to my eyes... I MUST
take a box of Tissues with me.

Stephanie Stewart Eurton
OH! It's going to be SUCH a good movie. Liz
is my hero.

Janet Denti
Can't Wait To see It!

Victoria Gallenstein Mobley
I cannot wait until this movie comes
out.....loved the book, love the actors in the
film.....what more could I want??? Ohhhh wish I
was the one on that journey!

Paula M Smith
I can't wait.

Lorraine Banko

Jacki Bauman
I so hope that this movie does the book the
justice that it deserves - so far it looks good

Caroline Furber Ford
Oh my hat,I just cannot wait for the 13

Yvonne Walker
love it love it love it ,can't wait to see
it all.

Teena Lutomski
I CAN'T WAIT ! ! !

Astrid Brown
my kinda movie.!!!

Darlin Cerritos
I can't wait

Yelena V. Lomakina
‎"best restaurant in town... my
place"cannot wait to see this movie, almost
finished reading the book

Nora Hill
I want to see this movie!!

Marie Rivera
OMG - I love it!

Mary Ann Yanos
I love the book, can't wait to see the
movie, a wonderful journey

Jennifer LePore
Omg when???? U can't wait!!!

Tracie Denison-Felgentreu
I can't wait to see it!

Cathy Collier Dunkle
Can't wait!!!! Love that this trailer is so
much longer than the previous one!!

Charlotte Gaudin
Waaaaaa! i love it! i cant wait to see this
movie! ♥

Jan Lynch
Can't wait to see it on the 13th!

Chazlee Rivera
Can not wait!

Julie Melton Calabria
I cant wait to see this!!!

Heidi Scoggins
Aloha, Love it, simply can not wait.....

Maria Sobera-Korolkiewicz
Looking forward to seeing it! It seems the movie
will be as good as a book is!

Trish Pauley
I bought the BOOK at Target! Know I going to
regret seeing the movie after reading the BOOK!
OH well!

Trish Pauley
I do LOVE Julia Roberts...Great Actress!

Jessica Turner
Amazing! Can't wait to see it after reading
the book!

Anita Laing
Oh baby, you are in such trouble. I cannot WAIT
for this movie!

Genevieve Myers Billings
I*** so very very excited about this film. the
book oozed through my soul. I love the character
picks for the film ... praying it doesn't let
me down!!!

Mary O Shea
cant wait for the movie

Mary Green
Love to watch all of Julia Roberts movie she is
so funny and I love to hear her laugh

Fayez Michael
very proffisonal actress fun to see her movies

Dorie Collins Williams

Shelley Mason- Bishop
i want to see thi movie time for a girls night

Susana Smithwick
Me encanta!! Pronto la vere The movie...

Samuel Sinclair West
it is a true story Dorie.

Melani Udumalagala
I'm waiting impatiently to watch.

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