Emmy & Joely making Grandpa's day. [HD]

06 Mart 2011 Pazar, 05:21

650 izlenme


Melanie Billings Streu
YAY! You *** your camera to work!And I love how
Emmy's voice keeps squeaking!!! :)

Robert L. Billings
NO - video camera still does not work - I took
this one with the Samsung. And they didn't
know how to end the song - they just kept singing
it over and over.

Sharon Ormsbee Maxwell
I love that hair flying in the air!!! And I love
their singing; it just keeps getting better! (one
annoying thing: the videos keep stopping with the
word RELOADING every few seconds; that happens
often. Not your fault, I know!)

Sha Cady Rishe
This is the song that nvr ends it goes on and on
my friends, along with the bible being read :)
(corny of me but, it is me lol) AGAIN TOOOOOOO

Wilda V Smith
Love it! So glad you can have some grandchildren
right there. Nothing better. Our girls are
coming here for dinner tomorrow night while their
folks go to hear Amy Grant.

Helen Amanda Church Cole
soo cute guess they have a little static hair
going on they are soo cute

Robert L. Billings
Yes, Wilda, we are blessed to have Melanie's
twins so close by. They bring a lot of joy into
our lives.

Mandie Maie Streu
LOVE it!!!!!

Kimberly Brabon Smith
Soooooo Cute.

Tracy Warm In Tx
cute. hair looks super cool!!!!

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