Betsy love your blog! Betsy, When you watch the
video it gives you the option to go to YouTube.
You can find the copyright owner there. I think it
is open to sharing but not for making a profit.
You should be fine!
Betsy Seeton
09 Şubat 2011 Çarşamba, 20:08
Thanks! Glad I stumbled upon your site!
Jessica Buike
10 Şubat 2011 Perşembe, 01:56
the bigger one is actually a Border Collie -
BC's have longer tails, Aussies have
Elena Pisarchuk Wilkins
10 Şubat 2011 Perşembe, 04:55
LOVE this! I actually do some of these exercises
in my fitness classes. Down-dog and Fire hydrant
are my favorite!
Kirsten Coahran DeafHairstylist
10 Şubat 2011 Perşembe, 15:20
awww cuteness hehe
Jan Larsson
11 Şubat 2011 Cuma, 19:12
A very quick learner : ))) great!!
Laurette Luick Tewksbury
16 Şubat 2011 Çarşamba, 23:57
I*** more like the lazy dog in his bead the whole
time! LOL!
Luciano Mesentier
17 Şubat 2011 Perşembe, 03:25
:) - Muito bom!!!
Mark Smithey
17 Şubat 2011 Perşembe, 03:39
That little dog finally *** with the program and
had some fun!
was going to get into the act!
already getting great feedback!
video it gives you the option to go to YouTube.
You can find the copyright owner there. I think it
is open to sharing but not for making a profit.
You should be fine!
BC's have longer tails, Aussies have
in my fitness classes. Down-dog and Fire hydrant
are my favorite!
time! LOL!
had some fun!