Extended Eclipse Movie Clip: Doesn't He Own a Shirt?

11 Haziran 2010 Cuma, 22:00

1382 izlenme


Selly-Miley Demi Jonas
thnks to sharE!!!! its awesome! yeah team edward!
xD ı love this' and ı cant wait!! pls come

Selly-Miley Demi Jonas
yeah cara! thats ***ing awesome! xD

Selly-Miley Demi Jonas
ı think this video is: Yeah..LOOK this jacop-I
kissing bella xD

Cristiana Pattinson
She´s the luckiest girl ever ! Kissing Rob always

Kayla Hernandez
Omg I cant wait!!!!!!!! TEAM EDWARD!!!

Cathleen Stratford
omg i ***ing love it o wats with jacop and bella
??? lol

Sarah Algerian
ahhhhh das soo awkward 4 poor jacob!!

Nourhan Ahmed

Ibtissem Ben Salem

Shawnee Gordon
seriously does he own a shirt. jese dog.

Kaila Rozalind
♥ edward is awesome!!!! *** jacob! go home
dog!!!! :@

Jennifer Campbell
Okay.....maybe rush a little bit........LOVE

Arianna Deligianni
Jacob only ever cared for what's best for
Bella.Don't criticise him just for liking
Bella as well,he never did anything wrong. I***
sure Edward can stand a little competition...

Jamie Thompson
Jacob was a "re-bound" friend. Plain and
simple! She never stoped loving Edward!

Kristy Garner
agree with you 100% Jamie...

Katie McGuire
totally she used him just 2 make her feel better
and then she gets mad at him 4 falling in love
with her

Claux Lopez

Sahar Natasha Bolourian
Katie. She didnt use Jacob. When she was
heartbroken, Jacob was the one that fixed her up.
And then he started falling in love with her, but
she couldnt fall in love with him because of
Edward. And at the same time, she needed him to be
with her. Their best friends, thats not using

Ceylan Korkmaz
Wonderful :))

Luisana Sepulveda
te taparon la bica jacob !

Summer Dawn Chidester
Uh, no? I think Jacob is not wearing one, partly
because he never gets cold and partly to ATTEMPT
to impress bella with her Wolfy biceps.

Caitlin Yaure
Helloo and Renesmee is the other reason why Jacob
falls for Bella so much....So really Jake should
thank Edward cuz without him Jake could have never
***ten the chance to imprint!!! TEAM ROB/TEAM
EDWARD all the wayyy ♥

Jahidy Carolina Contreras Valero

Camila Rocksova Masseroli
OMg hes sooo HOT!!!!!!!! EDWARD!!1

Rebecca Dillard
Omg I LOVE it!! can't wait for this movie :)

Melbie Toast
OMG OMG OMG.... *thud thud THUD - DED*

Hande Uyanik
out of all the clips this 1 was the
BESTTTTT!!!!!!!!! they should always kiss xD go

Romie Fatoni
i love u MR. JACOB BLACK....

Mima Asad
this is the best clip of all!!!!!!!!!!!♥ edward!

Crecentiana Patricia

Kadir Özdemir
I must say that nobody could see that movie I
suppose it is unfair

Debbie Coles-Higgins
Good question...... Does he own a shirt ???? lol
xx 21 sleeps till Eclipse!!! This is how my kids
measured time when they were excited about
something!!! lol

Debbie Coles-Higgins
p.s At least it's the same as the book this

Li Shoarang
waw cool abis ................ but ill see those
we love making out with other people who felt sure
that Jacob Black love is still there but I still
always love you .....

Daniela Shaky-Baby Uslaub
ohoh...das birgt viel zetermaterial für mich

Laura Gerez
i love this part because jacob is jealous is so
cute the kiiss that edward give to bella

Dianna Estabrook-Twomey
Love it!!

Jenny Mac
OMG OMG OMG love the jelousy and competativeness
winding each other up! woohoooooooooooooo!

Yusra Rabi
omg love the kiss !!!!!! ♥

Nikol Prokopova
edwardd :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Mai-Britt Busch
I can`t waite....Weeeeeeeeee

Nazlıcan Kılıç
ayyy yerim ben onu!.. çoq tatlı çıkmış
Edward'ım aşqımmm !!!.. :))

Nazlıcan Kılıç
Repliq süper: "Doesn't he own a
shirt?" ayy edwardım söylerken bile sprr

Imen Maalel

Lisa Angove
I love my Rob Pat. I can't wait to see

Deste İpek Erdemgil
ay çok

Fulya Süzük
hey stop nazlıcan I love you edward

Sara Ameen
smartass marking his territory lol :D

Yelesten Pattinson
Wow, Team Edward all the way!!!!! I want a kiss
like that and from Edward, too!!!!!

Cleo Rose
I'm so torn. I'm with Bella on this one!
Team Switzerland!

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