External Tank falling [HQ]

28 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi, 00:25

1035 izlenme


Philip Metzger
pitty theres no actual footage of it burning up

Jerry M Weikle
Can those fuel tanks hold Dawn Dishsoap? It
rained today in Newport News, and there was soap
bubbles all over the place? Is NASA trying to
clean the atmosphere and close the ozone hole?
;-) lol.

Ron Wilson
This video is a beautiful thing! Ditto; we need
burn footage

John Patterson
Is there fuel left over on purpose to assure

Shahin Moshtagh
I believe they leave some fuel left to avoid
running out of fuel before oxidizer. Running fuel
dry means oxidizer going into engine which will
damage the engine.But is this video taken by
astronauts? They should have been strapped on
their seat at the time, aren't they?

Philip Metzger
pitty theres no actual footage of it burning up

Jerry M Weikle
Can those fuel tanks hold Dawn Dishsoap? It
rained today in Newport News, and there was soap
bubbles all over the place? Is NASA trying to
clean the atmosphere and close the ozone hole?
;-) lol.

Ron Wilson
This video is a beautiful thing! Ditto; we need
burn footage

John Patterson
Is there fuel left over on purpose to assure

Shahin Moshtagh
I believe they leave some fuel left to avoid
running out of fuel before oxidizer. Running fuel
dry means oxidizer going into engine which will
damage the engine.But is this video taken by
astronauts? They should have been strapped on
their ...seat at the time, aren't

Philip Metzger
pitty theres no actual footage of it burning up

Jerry M Weikle
Can those fuel tanks hold Dawn Dishsoap? It
rained today in Newport News, and there was soap
bubbles all over the place? Is NASA trying to
clean the atmosphere and close the ozone hole?
;-) lol.

Ron Wilson
This video is a beautiful thing! Ditto; we need
burn footage

John Patterson
Is there fuel left over on purpose to assure

Shahin Moshtagh
I believe they leave some fuel left to avoid
running out of fuel before oxidizer. Running fuel
dry means oxidizer going into engine which will
damage the engine.But is this video taken by
astronauts? They should have been strapped on
their seat at the time, aren't they?

Alberto Jurado Aragonés
There exists some video of his destruction for the

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