Facebook Connect

26 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi, 08:25

1591 izlenme


Michael Novati
that "live feed" widget he mentioned at
the end sounds really cool

Dave Morin
Wei is the man.

Gary Coulbourne
It seems like there's only a left audio
channel on this...

Cem Ezberci
why not use a tiny flash object that has no UI
aspect as a replacement for XMLHttpRequest object
to overcome the cross domain issue? it requires
crossdomain.xml on the server side to allow every
domain but this is not very different anyway ...as
any domain can still make a call. I guess the down
side is invoking the flash vm to have the flash
object but iframes are just too ugly.. plus, most
of the common functionality can be done in flash
object itself and the vm will also allow using
more than just http as the transport layer.. a
good use of thrift comes to mind..

Jaideep Singh
flash is not opensource, requires plugin and
isn't fully hackable...and cpu intensive....i
like the XMLHttpRequest thing.... its been around
forever but is being fully use now....

Nasrul Amri Samsudin
Malaysia Love Facebook too!

Mayank Jain
Is it possible to download this video for offline
viewing purpose?

Michael Novati
that "live feed" widget he mentioned at
the end sounds really cool

Dave Morin
Wei is the man.

Gary Coulbourne
It seems like there's only a left audio
channel on this...

Cem Ezberci
why not use a tiny flash object that has no UI
aspect as a replacement for XMLHttpRequest object
to overcome the cross domain issue? it requires
crossdomain.xml on the server side to allow every
domain but this is not very different anyway ...

Jaideep Singh
flash is not opensource, requires plugin and
isn't fully hackable...and cpu intensive....i
like the XMLHttpRequest thing.... its been around
forever but is being fully use now....

Mayank Jain
Is it possible to download this video for offline
viewing purpose?

Akash Jariwala Net-GiAnt
‎@ Mayank : Yes.... it is possible....

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