FAIR GAME Trailer [HD]

03 Aralık 2010 Cuma, 15:00

949 izlenme


Yousra Elbedewy
great trailer of course that combines these
actors and actresses .. and i'm realy proud
of the egyptian actor Khaled Nabawy, God bless h

Cheri Odum
That looks SO good. I HAVE to see it.

Sultan Haikal

Wanda Grubbs Schwerer
cant' wait to see it.

Joshua Israel
LOL,.. I,m glad of one thing,... I no longer work
for anykind of government agency; however, my life
is the same as Joe and Valerie,... My betrayal and
the ensuing conspiracy has been going-on since
1989,.. and it's still an on-going event
...of racketeering and extortion, committed Under
Color of Official Right,... I've lost
contact with my family and friends for over a
decade now, for their own protection, and my own,
because even family will be compromised.
Here's the SECRET to their operations: these
agents will always need you to give them
information to use against you (so don't
give-out personal info); they will always use a
friend or family to set-you-up (so don't have
any friends); they will always need you to engage
in some kind in illegal activity (so abandon all
manner of illegality); and they will always try to
fabricate and manufacture evidence (so always
unravel the lies and expose the truth); and
remember, 50% of their power is the power that you
give to them, by being paralyzed with fear,...
This is the experience of my 20 year battle with
government corruption that is the same as
organized crime.Now I Must Go Back To It,...

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