مو زين الاعلان ما بطالعه
لان اعطل الحياة اذا طالعته
ما بفكر الا في الحلقة لي يوم
الجمعة. بين
Balgees Almaeena
14 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi, 17:45
Balgees Almaeena Balgees Almaeena Maybe salsabila
is right,but if kerem has that grim face through
the whole episode then it,l be a wash
down.2reasons.audience waited patiently for weeks
for this happy day to occur.secondly why shadow
poor ...
لان اعطل الحياة اذا طالعته
ما بفكر الا في الحلقة لي يوم
الجمعة. بين
is right,but if kerem has that grim face through
the whole episode then it,l be a wash
down.2reasons.audience waited patiently for weeks
for this happy day to occur.secondly why shadow
poor ...