Fiji at it's finest. [HQ]

31 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi, 22:40

459 izlenme


Casey Harrison
freaking awesome vid dre...

Andre Rerekura
Cheers mate.

Andre Rerekura
im so keen to get back there.

Casey Harrison
and T-RAVS last name is with a C not a K haha..

Andre Rerekura
Ha ha yeah i know my bad opps

Austin May
unreal andre!! great viewing.

Adam Beeson
thats a great clip mate should consider a career
in film production... good work

David Matthew Hicks
Purely sick!!!

Johnny Debnam
nice work burgs

Johnny Debnam
‎3.40 looks***azing

Andre Rerekura
Cheers all. Its great to catch the good times.

Julian Chan
Andre, this vid is great. i love the timing, the
song selection, the transition scenes. how about
the vis!

Chi Shurn Lo
Phenomenal vid, loved it. Gotye, top song.

Michael Takach
Good work mate

Andre Rerekura
Thanks again guys, I was getting pretty fussy with
it as it was for my mates business in Fiji. Cant
wait to get back there.

Ant Raymond
haha i feel like crying. Last month we had 40knt
winds are bugger all vis

Kev Henry
sweet dre =)

Joshua Knox
sweet vid bro. such a good scene over there.
stoked i went to check out that charter, ***ta get
back there again.

Brian Erickson
Great and shot selection was
super. What camera's did you use. Looks
like GoPro???

Daniel Rodriguez
Great vid mate! Looks like fun times

Wayne Judge
Very nice clip.

Andre Rerekura
Thanks again, It still pumps me to get back there,
Hopefully in the near future,

Helio Wanderley
It is a time life experience. hope get there.

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