First Clips From Oprah-First Video Rob talks about fame!

05 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi, 05:40

923 izlenme


Katiko Gianopoulos
is taylor lautner wearing lipstick? like he does
for the movies?

Sahar Natasha Bolourian
Taylor lautner does not wear lipstick IRL or in

Hajer Showman
no he does i saw a video 4 him putting on lipstick
before entering the last year tour 4 new moon

Maxine Fleischer Spreitz
it must have been lip balm or something, no way he
uses lipstick?! that's not true.

Hajer Showman
he does and i saw it clearly it was a lipstick btw
he also puts on blush cuz i've never seen
some1 who has dark skin with red cheeks believe me
i don't hate him but that's the truth

Anthi Papadopoulou
Oprah roooocks!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anthi Papadopoulou
aaaand rob's accent is going to be the death
of me!

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
hahahaahahaha...unfortunat​ely you wont be
able to come to the wedding then...:P

Anthi Papadopoulou
My ghost will be there baby don't worry!!:P I
am the made of honnor after all..:P

Crystal Leggett
lol ♥

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
hahahahahaha *** I dont wanna live that so get
your skinny ass and live! :P

Anthi Papadopoulou
My ass is certaintly NOT skinny!!!!You will not
get away from me!!!*evil laugh* :P Just don't
make me wear those ugly dresses !

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
hahahhahah *** i should better watch out with who
i share my thoughts! rotten apple for the
wedding then...♥

Anthi Papadopoulou
ROTTEN APPLE?!?!?!?!??!WTF?!?!?!c​areful
love I will persuade him to make me the best man
too!!And I will hire strippers..Lots and lots of

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
a *** seriously that was
hilarious!aahahahahhahhah.​..yeah right!like
he'll want them*to sure about myself?*

Anthi Papadopoulou
maybe...I will find really good strippers..And I
will get him drunk!!Sooooo..change the

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
haahhahaha pink?????or​ark
blue!It's on your hand!Only please dont start
stripping in front of him!

Anthi Papadopoulou
I will not comment on the last one this is a fan
page not a psychologist..:P Dark blue..Oh oh the
one I aked you to find out about from a picture of
J!!remember??that one in blue...And then no
strippers..We will have tea..:P

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
hahahahah english groom...english
tea!hahahaha..yeah i do remeber....sweet!

Anthi Papadopoulou
Deal then??

Robert Thomas Pattinson - The actor - The musician
‎*shake hands* It's a deal then! ♥

Anthi Papadopoulou
♥ wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Megan Snow

Sid Cullen
can u upload the whole show?it was***azing....i
wanna watch the whole show.....

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