For America to invade a country, there is the need for a bigot [HQ]

21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi, 23:19

745 izlenme


Mustafa Hakan Soylu
cesaret güzel bir şey

أوليا مبارك
reasonable theory!

Azad Muhamed
They use these sort of tactics to invade any
country...when hitler was dead harry truman
brought all nazi scientists to***erica...why? to
develop these sort of techniques...paper clip
project was about mind controlling brain washing

Farouk Masud
Divide and conquer....the oldest trick in history.
But it's more than this for Muslim
countries. In order for Western countries to
dominate Islamic majority countries all they need
to do is "prime us" "program
us" the youth in particular,...

Azad Muhamed
The illuminati corporations in particular
rothschilds funding computer literacy to old back
in our country in order to destroy them
spiritually...youth is all gone to astray long old is enjoying ***graphy and reality
shows....they could take away our dhikker

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