FRINGE - Noir Trailer [HQ]
16 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 11:05
1046 izlenme
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<iframe style="border:none" width="585" height="330" src=""></iframe>
Angel Belisario
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:01
a musical episode? WTF!? I want the war between
the two universes, not this crap!
Martha Sutton Dean
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:01
I can't wait!!!!
Johana Abella Manga
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:11
It looks great!!
Susana Valencia
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:11
WOW can't wait, looks awesome!!!
Zoran Otaku Trifunovic
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:46
mmmm, noir!!!!!
Lilian Ch
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 20:47
sooo kool!!
Sarah Blythe
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 21:03
so looking forward to this.
Jose Miguel Favas
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 21:24
Zoltan Szalai
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 21:41 looks terrible, i hope it is just a
Anne Daroussin
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 22:19
it's gonna be AWWEESOOOOME!!! can't
wait for that. I love this show and I love when
there are some special episodes like that :)
Steven S. Stafford
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 22:38
She looks really hot like that. I like her
normal look better though.
Ron Rahelic
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 23:00
What type of drug is Walter tripping on this time
for this episode.
Laura Ov Eder
28 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba, 23:17
A holodeck episode. Please.
Amy Tapping
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 00:06
Can't wait!!
Gary Al***
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 00:41
utter trash
Beth Gilmore
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 01:15
Jessica DeJager
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 01:53
This looks like an AMAZING episode! Can't
Patrick Bell
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 02:34
Count me in. Nothing gets between me and my
Fringe. Ahhh, endless impossibilities!!!
Lisa Travieso
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 02:54
Jonny Vee
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 03:29
Ohhh Jes***astrid looks SO fookin cool!
Fabio Daniel Rodriguez Rodriguez
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 05:51
no puedo esperarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mohamed Ayman
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 06:16
I don't know about Musical but will watch it
any way
Shaun Java
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 09:48
hmm... could there be another version of the
Fringe opening this week?
Chrisanthakopoulos Alexandros
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 00:39
anna looks so ***ing great......
Jason Ridgill
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 12:55
I thought this was so neat ...
Oryu Ogami
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 12:59
Excellent ! I'm so hasty !
Rachel Djazmin
29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe, 16:18
it keeps going a bit farther back in time
Jacob Immanuel Ions
30 Nisan 2010 Cuma, 00:04
I wounder wether or not Olivia will do some
monologing like in the old detective movies
Chelsea Berghoefer
30 Nisan 2010 Cuma, 01:57
That part with Peter gets me everytime :]
Nick Quinn
30 Nisan 2010 Cuma, 20:06
Şeymanur Aksoy
01 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 01:07
Dora Snyder
02 Mayıs 2010 Pazar, 23:36
..great actors, great writers.. john noble is
the best!
08 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 04:57
LOL Nice!
Celimar Leonett
11 Mayıs 2010 Salı, 04:56
I'm sorry, but that was the only chapter
that I didn't like.
Chris Williamson
12 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba, 05:10
Lamest episode ever.
Bob Withstandley
12 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba, 21:54
I agree. This episode was a waste and did nothing
to advance the plot line. Self-indulgent!
KosmiKen Weisbro
13 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe, 03:48
goot *** dam all mighty!!Brothers and sisters -
the rain is coming down.L E T I T F A L L ! !
Joy Carre
13 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe, 11:00
OMG I love too mutch fringe !!!!
Tibor Kvocera
13 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe, 12:54
meaningless part , I*** sorry , useless to see
Leah Robichaud
15 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 01:26
The singing corpses made it worthwhile!
Aguirre Mar
15 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi, 03:10
Olivia is hot!!!
Max Tabb
18 Mayıs 2010 Salı, 13:20
yes she is!
Monique Maria Andhara Wiraatmadja
21 Mayıs 2010 Cuma, 23:01
what a cool trailer.
Rupa Priscilla
24 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi, 16:55
WOW! I like it in Black n White
Petra Abreu
31 Mayıs 2010 Pazartesi, 23:36
one of my favourite episodes! they are
freakin' brilliant!!
Idialis Chaparro
08 Haziran 2010 Salı, 05:21
she is so beautiful! Love U Olivia
02 Ağustos 2010 Pazartesi, 07:
cool!!!but why?
Teo Li Hong
10 Ağustos 2010 Salı, 08:23
different look.....
Valerie Powers
14 Eylül 2010 Salı, 07:27
my fav episode so far. well done! I bet the
actors had a lot of fun with this one.
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the two universes, not this crap!
wait for that. I love this show and I love when
there are some special episodes like that :)
normal look better though.
for this episode.
Fringe. Ahhh, endless impossibilities!!!
any way
Fringe opening this week?
monologing like in the old detective movies
the best!
that I didn't like.
to advance the plot line. Self-indulgent!
the rain is coming down.L E T I T F A L L ! !
freakin' brilliant!!
actors had a lot of fun with this one.