FRINGE - Noir Trailer [HQ]

16 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 11:05

1046 izlenme


Angel Belisario
a musical episode? WTF!? I want the war between
the two universes, not this crap!

Martha Sutton Dean
I can't wait!!!!

Johana Abella Manga
It looks great!!

Susana Valencia
WOW can't wait, looks awesome!!!

Zoran Otaku Trifunovic
mmmm, noir!!!!!

Lilian Ch
sooo kool!!

Sarah Blythe
so looking forward to this.

Jose Miguel Favas

Zoltan Szalai looks terrible, i hope it is just a

Anne Daroussin
it's gonna be AWWEESOOOOME!!! can't
wait for that. I love this show and I love when
there are some special episodes like that :)

Steven S. Stafford
She looks really hot like that. I like her
normal look better though.

Ron Rahelic
What type of drug is Walter tripping on this time
for this episode.

Laura Ov Eder
A holodeck episode. Please.

Amy Tapping
Can't wait!!

Gary Al***
utter trash

Beth Gilmore

Jessica DeJager
This looks like an AMAZING episode! Can't

Patrick Bell
Count me in. Nothing gets between me and my
Fringe. Ahhh, endless impossibilities!!!

Lisa Travieso

Jonny Vee
Ohhh Jes***astrid looks SO fookin cool!

Fabio Daniel Rodriguez Rodriguez
no puedo esperarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mohamed Ayman
I don't know about Musical but will watch it
any way

Shaun Java
hmm... could there be another version of the
Fringe opening this week?

Chrisanthakopoulos Alexandros
anna looks so ***ing great......

Jason Ridgill
I thought this was so neat ...

Oryu Ogami
Excellent ! I'm so hasty !

Rachel Djazmin
it keeps going a bit farther back in time

Jacob Immanuel Ions
I wounder wether or not Olivia will do some
monologing like in the old detective movies

Chelsea Berghoefer
That part with Peter gets me everytime :]

Nick Quinn

Şeymanur Aksoy

Dora Snyder
‎..great actors, great writers.. john noble is
the best!

LOL Nice!

Celimar Leonett
I'm sorry, but that was the only chapter
that I didn't like.

Chris Williamson
Lamest episode ever.

Bob Withstandley
I agree. This episode was a waste and did nothing
to advance the plot line. Self-indulgent!

KosmiKen Weisbro
goot *** dam all mighty!!Brothers and sisters -
the rain is coming down.L E T I T F A L L ! !

Joy Carre
OMG I love too mutch fringe !!!!

Tibor Kvocera
meaningless part , I*** sorry , useless to see

Leah Robichaud
The singing corpses made it worthwhile!

Aguirre Mar
Olivia is hot!!!

Max Tabb
yes she is!

Monique Maria Andhara Wiraatmadja
what a cool trailer.

Rupa Priscilla
WOW! I like it in Black n White

Petra Abreu
one of my favourite episodes! they are
freakin' brilliant!!

Idialis Chaparro
she is so beautiful! Love U Olivia

cool!!!but why?

Teo Li Hong
different look.....

Valerie Powers
my fav episode so far. well done! I bet the
actors had a lot of fun with this one.

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