Gelecek Uzun Sürer

10 Kasım 2011 Perşembe, 21:40

1433 izlenme


Sevda Ondul
beni videoya etiketler misiniz?

Ilhami Karakoç
paylaştım nede olsa icinde sesim var

Ani Azizyan
Like, like, like! :)) Can't wait to see it!
Don't we - armenians - have a chance to watch
this in near future? (I hope future won't
last forever in this case, lol)

Ani Azizyan
‎*running to Google translator to find out what
is written in the post*

Yusuf Öztürk
yolun açık olsun sevgili arkadaşım

Sumru (28) is doing music researches at a
university in Istanbul. To work on her thesis on
gathering and recording an exhaustive collection
of Anatolian elegies she sets off for the
south-east of the country for a few months. The
brief trip...

Sevda Ondul
fragmanda çalan müzik kimin?

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