Glee S02E20 - ''Prom Queen'' 3/3

11 Mayıs 2011 Çarşamba, 14:36

539 izlenme


Rl Ea

Camille Sunga Cariño
love much...:)

Myline Dela Cruz
thanks thanks!

Thine Perez
ang sweet sweet mo talga... salamat sobraaaaa! ;)

Zoila Paloma Belara Favorito
thanks a lot Winston.. that was great.... GOd

Lee V Sanchez
thank you win.. always...:)

Edison Exclamador
sweet !! fun fun !!! love love this prom!!

Li Chen
Love the big twist!Eat your heart out Kate
Middleton!-Kurt the Queen...:-D

Rephse Iahj
graveh! its so much fun,,

Prince Cloyd Cruz
thanks Winston van der Woodsen again!!

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