Gran Turismo 5 Trailer 2

31 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi, 21:21

1590 izlenme


Alessandro Wolf Pesce
ma quando azzo esce?!

Benjamin Fernandez
cuando sale en la argentina?

Graz Zar
Damn how much we must w8 pfff,till it will came
out Im plaing Prologue online :/

Graz Zar
Hey lets add us in ps3! Im Zargon23 :D

Vincenzo Branciforti
ma quando esce......dai cazzooooo daiiiii

Graz Zar
Speriamo esca almeno per la fine di questa
estate,che palle a dover aspettare Natale!Creo que
cuando sale sera lo mismo dia en todo el mundo :)
Daleee Kazunoriiiii es su culpa si no sale xD

Jose Orozco Sebé
Sony: Make Believe whe launch one day

Robert Roney
I'm pretty patient about the release cause I
know it will be good, but, I can't believe
were waiting this long for the addition of Nascar
& drifting .... seems like a waste :(

Graz Zar
I just hope that will be better than Forza
Motorsport,and Im talking about also the Online
Gaming,I hope they will add something new than
just a Graphic update from previous ones.By the
way they spent already more than 90 billion
dollars if...

Johnny Feuerball Matschklopps
damn this vid is so old .... -.-

Graz Zar
I prefer the Ferrari Tribute :p

Jean-Dominique Donzallaz
On l attend avec impatience ! Vivement fin
septembre !

Graz Zar
Septembre? Nous espérons que le premier :/

Joel Tetlacuilo Sanchez
f22raptorlockhee es mi name para quien me quiera
retar online para GT5 y modern warfare 2

Martin Selter
Waht´s the name of this Song???

Graz Zar
the song in my clip?London Elektricity - Just One
Second but there are 2 version you can search on
youtube ;) :)

Graz Zar
Joel pues te agrego luego yo hablo algunos idiomas
asi que no hay problema tengo GT5 Prologue para
ahora :)

Graz Zar
oh f22raptor como me falta jugar Ace combat, aver
si sale para la ps3 tambien,sali solo para Xbox :/

RodandRach Maier
yeah , pull fer ***in fingers out yer ***en
homo`s !! prologue pffffffft

Jack Taylor

Graz Zar
I know but unfortunatly till the game will come
out we can just play it.

Yenko Pisanu
Vamo el gran turismooooo

Terry Westmorland
Its already out of date 3D gaming is here?

Richy Exentic
drum n bass as a theme song...i love this trailer
...and tha game too

Marc Antoine Lichtert
Sa fait toujours plaisir un petit trailer , mais
si vous pouviez sortir le jeux je ne m'en
porterai que mieux !!

Rune Buarø
can't wait!!!!!

Dino De Angelis
ragà gt4 xò è il migliore di tt....

Michael Kuruna
‎...Can't wait to get my hands on it too.
So,can we please have it already!!!

Chitfung Ng

Şükrü Topcu

Ammar Al Wahiab
maybe froza 9 will beat GT 5 >> i don't

Thomas Enfinger
I hope they release a bundle with the steering
wheel controller and the game!

Randon Hill
wow forza aint nothing caompared to this.gran
turismo beats any car game

Damien Javier
What's the theme song of Gran Turismo 5?

Damien Javier
I'm gonna find the song of Gran Turismo 5 on

Svetoslav Hristev
Sick graphics O_o :P

Kenny Robert
wow...what a great car...

Damien Javier
I saw on You Tube the theme is "This Time is
GT5". M y favorite song!

Tom Denley
look out forza this is a real racing game!!!

Sergi Codina
Se nota que mercedes paga bien XD

Aitor Uriarte Rufrancos
Este juego es la ostia

Aniq Amsyar Mohd Hanizam
game ini ada mb sls***g hebat betul!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luca Reeh

Oenne Siemion

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