Greyson Chance - In Singapore 2011

29 Mart 2012 Perşembe, 02:12

530 izlenme


Cyr Garcia
wow.. he's being chased by girls in the
bus... hehehe

Universal Music Singapore
lovely :) keep the sharing and like this video ♥

Cheryl Yeoh
hehe, thanks so much UMS! (:

Nurrull Syuhada Md Yusub
luv it,amzg,eheh

Universal Music Singapore
The video does brings back lots of memories for
you all :) You all did a great job of sharing the
video too! Keep it sharing! Wonder if we can hit

Almira Herzog
‎;-; I moved before it and now I'm

Jazlynn Ng
I remember saying "I love you so much
Greyson, shake hand?" and i shook his hand
with the wrong hand LOL! xD Miss him

Zoe Lo
Wow. I can't express my love for him. This
video made me cry fhgdksg. I want him back in
Singapore. :c ♥

Cora Courtney Chance
Greyson is an inspiration to ALL of us. He's
so magically talented. I love him so much!!!! ♥
miss him so much too xoxo.

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