Guitar Hero - Stone Temple Pilots Track Pack [HD]

28 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi, 12:25

1260 izlenme


Janus Anjello Palustre
Is this free? Men i want it.. but not
exactly.bcause i want it free HAHAHAHA!

Sacha Gutierrez
wooo!! Guitar Hero is the best!

Michelle McIntosh Tipton
i hope it's free too me some

Kyky LaGii RiNdu
exclaimed also playing guitar

Brian Evan Smith

Chris Calhoun
Not exactly my type but HELL of alot better
Guitar Hero, keep with this

Khalifah Harper

Kyle Hipkins
i didnt really like between the lines but ***
type thing yesss

Cristy Boyer
which guitar here game can u get it on? i couldnt
find it on world tour.

Matthew Hebel
sick tits dude

Johan Mateo Chisaba Gil
un dia un papa llega a la casa enojado y
borracho.. Saca una pistola y mata a su esposa y
luego se dispara a si mismo.. Su ni?a esta sentada
llorando detras del sofa.. Llega el policia y se
lleva a la ni?a.. La entrega a su nueva familia..
...El primer dia de catecismo llega al edificio y
mira una imagen de jesus en la cruz y le pregunta
a su maestra ... Ver más ... Ver más ... Ver
más ... Ver más ... Ver más ... Ver más ...
Ver más ... Ver más ... Ver más ... Ver más
... Ver más... Ver más ... Ver más ... Ver
más: Como se bajo ese hombre de la cruz? La
maestra le contesta: El nunca se a bajado.. La
ni?a le alega: Si! Porque el dia que murieron mis
papas.. El estaba conmigo detras del sofa
diciendome que todo iba estar bien! 66% de ustedes
no mandaran este mensaje.. pero recuerden lo que
dice la biblia... "Niegame enfrente de tus
amigos que yo te negare enfrente de mi
padre." pega este mensaje en sus
publicaciones a 10 personas si es que no te
averguenzas de Dios♥♥♥

Tyler Jones
Grunge Rock Band would be intense

Agung Sintink Mirink
tai anjink

Dolly Puente
QUIERO YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shalin Patalud Dessabille
maamw q jan

Luke Neal
Ooooh, STone Temple Pilots, not bad... More hard
rock and metal, less pop rock!

PuffXiara Lae

Ba'say Verdin
just sux i won't be home until the 10th to
d/l this *hit!!!!

Corey Sadler
my first go on these new song on expert
guitarbetween the lines : 5* 238,162 plush
: 5* 322,304*** type thing :
5* 290562

Jeramie Mendoza
i like playing guitar hero

יוליה חסוי
men thats cooooll!!

Mark Levy Santos
gusto ko sweet child o mine

Luca Dehn Salvatore

Raymond Jay Malonzo
pa gift naman ako pagkain ng aso sa farmville

Valentin Scottez
It's so easy but it's cOol !! =)

Santiago Canga
I love the guitar hero is one of the best games
in the world is not good for my game, is my life

Jhonatan Velandia Pinzon
jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja que bacaneria ombe

Josh Hoyt
Its a video game. Guitar hero. Just a video game.
Like zelda, mario, and rock band. Just a damn
video game

Richie Marte
STP Rocks

Matias Rabaglia

Dylan Noll
I haven't been this excited about DLC in a
long time.

Alex Baer
those singers lip sync as bad as pacman.

Sudir Scoligeus

Bastian Andres
rock si

Frank Brass
Why can't I play these songs on my GH World
Tour or GH Smash Hits??????

Hayden Woller
GHSH has no DLC silly, it's only for Gh5/BH
as the charts are updated for that engine

Felipe Leon Loguercio
ta wena plush ojala este pa play 2

Jonas Balingbing
gusto ko 4patan

Frank Brass
Why can't I play STP songs on Guitar Hero
World Tour or Smash Hits????? Anyone?

Frank Brass
What is DLC?

Ilham C'ukup Ter'sakiti
yu rok endroll good yu nam

Janus Anjello
Is this free? Men i want it.. but not
exactly.bcause i want it free HAHAHAHA!

Sacha Gutierrez
wooo!! Guitar Hero is the best!

Michelle McIntosh Tipton
i hope it's free too me some

Diego Rivera

Gw SiDewa Cacad
exclaimed also playing guitar

Brian Evan Smith

Chris Calhoun
Not exactly my type but HELL of alot better Guitar
Hero, keep with this

Kyle Hipkins
i didnt really like between the lines but *** type
thing yesss

Cristy Boyer
which guitar here game can u get it on? i couldnt
find it on world tour.

Matthew Hebel
sick tits dude

Mateo Chisaba
un dia un papa llega a la casa enojado y
borracho.. Saca una pistola y mata a su esposa y
luego se dispara a si mismo.. Su ni?a esta sentada
llorando detras del sofa.. Llega el policia y se
lleva a la ni?a.. La entrega a su nueva familia..

Tyler Jones
Grunge Rock Band would be intense

Agung Streetcoresitekopnenjo
tai anjink

Dolly Puente
QUIERO YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindyrella Bochewa Pimpie
maamw q jan

Luke Neal
Ooooh, STone Temple Pilots, not bad... More hard
rock and metal, less pop rock!

Xiang Shang

Ba'say Verdin
just sux i won't be home until the 10th to
d/l this *hit!!!!

Rejay Quiao
240 (FULL) 479862 Emblem Elite UchihaMadara
226 479573 Zheninjas YobiRaion_Jinchuriki 248
479064 Shadow Ninja Clan Kyo 250 (FULL)
478375 Death Palace Cepexs 248 47774...

Corey Sadler
my first go on these new song on expert
guitarbetween the lines : 5* 238,162 plush
: 5* 322,304*** type thing :
5* 290562

Jeramie Mendoza
i like playing guitar hero

Yulia Kosonovsky
men thats cooooll!!

Mark Levy Santos
gusto ko sweet child o mine

Luca Dehn Salvatore

Raymond Jay Malonzo
pa gift naman ako pagkain ng aso sa farmville

Raymond Jay Malonzo
pa gift naman ako pagkain ng aso sa farmville

Valou' Scottez
It's so easy but it's cOol !! =)

Santi Carp Canga
I love the guitar hero is one of the best games in
the world is not good for my game, is my life

Jhonatan Rokero
jajajajajajajajajajajajaja​jaja que
bacaneria ombe

Josh Hoyt
Its a video game. Guitar hero. Just a video game.
Like zelda, mario, and rock band. Just a damn
video game

Ricardo Rey
STP Rocks

Matias Rabaglia

Dylan Noll
I haven't been this excited about DLC in a
long time.

Alex Baer
those singers lip sync as bad as pacman.

Abnk Sudir

Bastiàn Alejandro Andres
rock si

Frank Brass
Why can't I play these songs on my GH World
Tour or GH Smash Hits??????

Hayden Woller
GHSH has no DLC silly, it's only for Gh5/BH
as the charts are updated for that engine

Pipe Leon Loguercio
ta wena plush ojala este pa play 2

Jonas Balingbing
gusto ko 4patan

Frank Brass
Why can't I play STP songs on Guitar Hero
World Tour or Smash Hits????? Anyone?

Frank Brass
What is DLC?

Ilham C'ukup Ter'sakiti
yu rok endroll good yu nam

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