Guns N Roses - This I Love

08 Ekim 2010 Cuma, 06:11

2319 izlenme


Nasri Chelbi
And now I don't know whyShe wouldn't
say goodbyeBut then it seems that IHad seen it in
her eyes....And it might not be wiseI'd still
have to tryWith all the love I have insideI
can't denyI just can't let it dieCause
her heart's just like mineAnd she holds her
pain insideSo if you ask me whyShe wouldn't
say goodbyeI know somewhere insideThere is a
special lightStill shining brightAnd even on the
darkest nightShe can't denySo if she's
somewhere near meI hope to God she hears
meThere's no one elseCould ever make me
feelI'm so aliveI hoped she'd never
leave mePlease God you must believe meI've
searched the universeAnd found myselfWithin'
her eyesNo matter how I tryThey say it's all
a lieSo what's the use of myConfessions to a
crimeOf passions that won't dieIn my heartSo
if she's somewhere near meI hope to God she
hears meThere's no one elseCould ever make me
feelI'm so aliveI hoped she'd never
leave mePlease God you must believe meI've
searched the universeAnd found myselfWithin'
her eyesSo if she's somewhere near meI hope
to God she hears meThere's no one elseCould
ever make me feelI'm so aliveI hoped
she'd never leave mePlease God you must
believe meI've searched the universeAnd found
myselfWithin' her eyesAnd now I don't
know whyShe wouldn't say goodbyeIt just might
be that IHad seen it in her eyesAnd now it seems
that IGave up my ghost of prideI'll never say

Claire Fournier
hummmmmmmmmmmmmm j'adore MERCI !!!!! ♥

Ahmed Belhadj
i love this song

Barış Candoğan
hangi film bu

Yonca Asyalı

Ahmet Seri
film mi bilen varsa yazsın lütfen...

Mertcan Bahar
what dreams may come this is the name of the

Sharon Pythoud-Labaisse
From what moovie are the pictures on this video ?

Hande Ünal
filmin adı aşkın gücü :) eski bi film..

Onur Şen
D&R da 1.99 lira arkadaşlar korsana hayır

Bahar Sindel Bahtiyar
robin williams..aşkın gücü...şahane....

Tereza Reznickova
This is again something they did,flying in the

Alice Pertama
thanks 4 the tag..^^

Blacktr Rose
Askin Gücü Filmin İsmi Harika Bir Filmdir
Tavsiye Edebilirim :D

Pol Ferrera
wich film it is? =O

Ilyass Aggadi
wow this is cool

Vesna Zecevic
I love Guns N Roses ... Now they had a concert in
Belgrade ... Thanks Oekoe... ♥ ♥

Malek Hajji Hardouss
so ***in awesome.woooow

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