Haifa Wehbe yama layali by ''WOLF WILD TUNISIA''

25 Ekim 2010 Pazartesi, 06:33

2289 izlenme


Alicia Potrozki
so geil der song ich liebe orientalische mu***

Rina Cielo Azul
wow nice song

Najoua Tamboura

Farsat Sherzeendin
so geil. brava

Farsat Sherzeendin
ist gud

Hela Chatbri

Eng Seso Almoghrabi
yel3an 3oumryyy

Mohamed Magdy Shoeeb
really . . .so nice song

Abdullah Karabulut
mükemmel şarkı...

Omer Ünal

Candy Amounagay
i love u haifaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Mahditech Bogoss
my best artist and my favorite song

Calin Marius Daniel
wonderfull song

Abdul Rehman
my favorite song...♥♥♥

Khaoula Ghribi
trés magnifique la chanson et haifa biensur

De Araújo Ricardo

Mustafa Okatan веѕіқтаѕқ
wonderfull .♥♥♥ Haifa Wehbe .♥♥♥

Hariharan Yaga

Bellissima Sousou
u r really so beautiful,wonderful & i love u
so much

فرح محمد

Minyar Sallemi
ktir holwa

Sunar Can Ererez
i love your musics !! and i love u!! :)

Loréna Blanco
the best
youlove love you beautiful haifa you're the
best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ayşe Gül
harikasın haifa...

Ersin Özcan

Angelica Uzcategui
hifa es lo maximo me encanta su musica ufff

Lokas Ahmed Mohamed
gamda awy ya moza

Adhem Cosa Nostra
mahiche normal 7ata taref♥♥♥♥♥

Tiber Messaoudi
as good as ...

Abdel Zakani
iwa khla

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