La İlahe İllallah ,Muhammed Resulullah, Aliyyun
Ruby Abbas
15 Şubat 2011 Salı, 23:15
La İlahe İllallah ,Muhammed Resulullah, Aliyyun
Hans-Martin Ahmet Sackner
26 Mart 2011 Cumartesi, 07:52
Bismillah, ALLAH. Please let me rather have my
very last heart-beat in between there than in
another moment like when lying in bed for the last
time. People may mock about the pictures, but they
then are unable to feel peace. Islam means peace.
Although we all are sinners and in this moment
dead, all on the earth. But there is peace to be
lived and felt, found in the very heart of Islam,
this one of the pure way of the prophet Mohammed
(ALLAH may bless us with more of that he received,
and that not for his own)
Hans-Martin Ahmet Sackner
26 Mart 2011 Cumartesi, 07:58
I want to ask a question to the world Where do you
think can you find these pictures reality? Today?
We all know. Tomorrow or overtomorrow? Likewise
also at "Brandenburger Mauer"? I
don't know but it makes happy asking these
Hans-Martin Ahmet Sackner
26 Mart 2011 Cumartesi, 08:02
Here you see, as an example, and all world shall
see it, that we all are sinners, not having the
right to kill, but to strive for peace. I
unintentionally wrote Brandenburger Mauer",
knowing better it must be written
"Brandenburger Tor". Forgive us our
sins, ALLAH.
very last heart-beat in between there than in
another moment like when lying in bed for the last
time. People may mock about the pictures, but they
then are unable to feel peace. Islam means peace.
Although we all are sinners and in this moment
dead, all on the earth. But there is peace to be
lived and felt, found in the very heart of Islam,
this one of the pure way of the prophet Mohammed
(ALLAH may bless us with more of that he received,
and that not for his own)
think can you find these pictures reality? Today?
We all know. Tomorrow or overtomorrow? Likewise
also at "Brandenburger Mauer"? I
don't know but it makes happy asking these
see it, that we all are sinners, not having the
right to kill, but to strive for peace. I
unintentionally wrote Brandenburger Mauer",
knowing better it must be written
"Brandenburger Tor". Forgive us our
sins, ALLAH.