Hearts a Mess

07 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi, 03:54

891 izlenme


Cyrille Labbé
Oh my god !!!! What can I say ??? This song is
just some sort of a pure gem (i can't find
another wording to it, sorry...) Anyway,
undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful songs my
ears have had the pleaure to listen to for quite a
long time...

Lisandro Muiño Aguilar
Es increilble, no entiendo porque no se escucha en

Dan Cooper
seriously tho! i have listened to this song on
repeat for the last couple of day since i *** the
album....and the uncut version is so much sweeter
on the ears. actually obsessed

Chris Mifsud
This is a masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dencho Nizorkov
thank u for this song

Carissa Perkins
This is one of my favourite songs of all
time....NEVER get sick of listening to the
heart-wrenching lyrics and captivating melody...

Eric Lub

Gato Larenas
excellent song!!! best animation!!! Viva Gotye!!
greetings from Chile!!!!

Laura Mayes
there should be a love button!!!!

Leigh Anne Hagar
love the song and love the video, thanks!

Cynthia Mischke
super song

Judith Langer
wow, that's singular, unequaled artwork, both
the music and the film clip. I want

Marin Osterberg Kopper
One of the few songs in my range, so I can belt
the hell out of it...and it's beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful.

Cenry Gallegos
artista genial

Virginie Theuwis

Ichrak Kadri
very unique !!

Louise Parker
bloody love this song and video and man ...awsome

Anna Pedrocchi
Bella canzone e video suggestivo...:-)Çevirisine

AbOu DiNe

Meagan Paris
I absolutely LOVE this song.. =)

Jacqui Carney
just the rite tune 2 express wot state of mind im
in rite now!!!! lovin it ;-)

Michelle Beal
Hauntingly beautiful........

Jill Shank
Love it..........and I'm an old

Karla Nadine Faleiro
awesome ♥ love the lyrics

Alexander Chavez

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