01 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe, 02:50

1303 izlenme


Gareth Lawson
i wouldn't mind too much, they've given
it the shrek treatment. i read the firts 2 books
and i see your points about it not following the
books but hey it still looks to be a good film

Laura Howell
I'm rereading the books right now. I'm
really excited for this movie. But yeah, I was a
little confused about why Toothless was so large,
but then I think the whole flying thing is
important to dragon movies too. So I can see why
they took a different approach to it :)

Carl Clausing
What books and whos the author???

Victoria Jenkins
Now I wanna read the books... I understand you
anger, Ella, but in this case, you have to realize
that the movie will hardly ever be as good as the
book and appreciate it on its own. What I mean
is, though it may be a crappy portrayal of t...he
books, it looks a good movie in and of itself.
(That knowledge was the only thing that kept me
from being incensed at Percy Jackson: The
Lightning Theif, though I couldn't stand
Eragon. Eragon wasn't handled well, Percy
Jackson.... was a good movie, even if they
basically NOTHING right.)Anyway, can't wait
to see the movie, and will now look for the

Damarah Randall
Haven't read the books, but I've fallen
in love with DreamWorks' version of
Toothless, regardless. |D

Cailyn Baker
I agree with Victoria they didn't handle
Eragon well, I think they could of done better on
the special effects( not Saphira the other stuff )
anyway I'm still excited about the movie;)

Brianna DeBruin ︙
what books?

Claudia Thrasher

Cheshire Klay
Oh my god Toothless is ADORABLE

Hayley Dawn Leeper
Toothless. :D ♥

Adrianna Rivera
i love when toothess smiles he is sooooo cute!!!

Eve Silverstripe
i ♥

Caity Felker
Aww. He's so cuuute!!!!

Curtis Balogh
Here you go, half an indigested fish, now eat it!

Eka Farhana Mazlan
I want Toothless! Wish to have him as pet!

Isaac Keesler
thank you for nothing, you useless reptile
(SMACK) ow!

Ren Mingxin
loz... I luv Big-eyed Toothless!!!

Phoenikelly Yong
I wish my country have dragons as a pet !!!

Helena Tilley
lolll the fish bit xD

Laura Brink
i luv thank u for nuthing u usless
reptile,(smack), AHH!!!

Junko Henderson
i wish i had a night fury as a pet...i'd
name him Percival

Bobbie Arnett
Toothless is the CUTEST DRAGON EVER!!!

Lauren Natali

Faris Alvero Jackson
this movie is the best in this world

Hou Hong

Ren Mingxin
‎" You are so busted..." Haha, I
loved the look on Tootheless's face :D

Rodman Hodges

Holly Christie
Awesome movie, nuf said

Jordan Ong
it will make AVATAR jealous!!!

Lisa Weller
I*** in love with this movie! Toothless really
came off of the screen and pulled you in without a
single line just real emotion!

Rhonda Chaney
GREAT movie!

Jane Kusumah
‎"you useless reptile"

Phey Faye
da da da we're dead

Gwen Stewart
I love Toothless's smile

Chiara Vittoria
This movie rocks! I love Toothless's smile!
The connection between Hiccup and Toothless is so
precious! I started to cry when in the end Hiccup
falls and Toothless tries to catch him but..... I
love it how he kept him safe in his wings. This
movie is so good! It truly sends the message
saying "Don't judge a book by its

Alex Hartwick
Awesome movie

Rogie Drilon
an awesome movie about a boy and a dragon

Andrew Wilkins
i love toothless so much

Wendy Doughty

Mico Fojas
reely coool

Gilbert Wilfred Ellie
That is so cool...

Gwen Stewart
The movie's great and the game's not
half bad

Nóra Juhász
Thankyou for nothing you useless reptile :DI love
Toothless ♥Hiccup: so COOL

Daisy Tran
i sthis a trailor?

Megan Dyer

Miksriyo Ocfemia
night fury or toothless is so cool

Theresa Farah Umaratih
I agree. I REALLY love this movie too

Radharani Valongo
Everyone i was the inspiration for this movie. I
thought of the idea of dragons. im also the art
producer. i did't tell ayone yet because no
one would beleive that a kid like me would do
that. for proof i know Hiccup's whole name.
its Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third

Victoria Jenkins
Now I wanna read the books... I understand you
anger, Ella, but in this case, you have to realize
that the movie will hardly ever be as good as the
book and appreciate it on its own. What I mean
is, though it may be a crappy portrayal of t...

Cailyn Cat Baker
I agree with Victoria they didn't handle
Eragon well, I think they could of done better on
the special effects( not Saphira the other stuff )
anyway I'm still excited about the movie;)

Greysen DeBruin
what books?

Claudia Thrasher

Amie Kate
Oh my god Toothless is ADORABLE

Hayley Dawn Leeper
Toothless. :D ♥

Adrianna Marie Rivera-Velazquez
i love when toothess smiles he is sooooo cute!!!

Silverstripe Eve
i ♥

Caity Felker
Aww. He's so cuuute!!!!

Curtis Balogh
Here you go, half an indigested fish, now eat it!

Eka Farhana Mazlan
I want Toothless! Wish to have him as pet!

Isaac Keesler
thank you for nothing, you useless reptile
(SMACK) ow!

Ren Mingxin
loz... I luv Big-eyed Toothless!!!

Phoenikelly Yong
I wish my country have dragons as a pet !!!

Helena Tilley
lolll the fish bit xD

Laura Brink
i luv thank u for nuthing u usless
reptile,(smack), AHH!!!

Junko Henderson
i wish i had a night fury as a pet...i'd name
him Percival

Bobbie Arnett
Toothless is the CUTEST DRAGON EVER!!!

Lauren Natali

Faris Prasetyo
this movie is the best in this world

Hou Hong

Ren Mingxin
‎" You are so busted..." Haha, I loved
the look on Tootheless's face :D

Rodman Hodges

Holly Christie
Awesome movie, nuf said

Jordan Ong
it will make AVATAR jealous!!!

Lisa Weller
I*** in love with this movie! Toothless really
came off of the screen and pulled you in without a
single line just real emotion!

Rhonda Chaney
GREAT movie!

Jane Kusumah
‎"you useless reptile" wkwkwk...'

Phey Faye
da da da we're dead

Gwen Stewart
I love Toothless's smile

Chiara Vittoria
This movie rocks! I love Toothless's smile!
The connection between Hiccup and Toothless is so
precious! I started to cry when in the end Hiccup
falls and Toothless tries to catch him but..... I
love it how he kept him safe in his wings. This
movie is so good! It truly sends the message
saying "Don't judge a book by its

Alex Hartwick
Awesome movie

Parker Ben
an awesome movie about a boy and a dragon

Andrew Wilkins
i love toothless so much

Wendy Doughty

Mico Fojas
reely coool

Gilberzzance Wilfrancis
That is so cool...

Gwen Stewart
The movie's great and the game's not
half bad

Nóra Juhász
Thankyou for nothing you useless reptile :DI love
Toothless ♥Hiccup: so COOL

Daisy Tran
i sthis a trailor?

Megan Hiccup Dyer

Miksriyo Mikko Ocfemia
night fury or toothless is so cool

Raras Theresa Farah Umaratih
I agree. I REALLY love this movie too

Radharani Valongo
Everyone i was the inspiration for this movie. I
thought of the idea of dragons. im also the art
producer. i did't tell ayone yet because no
one would beleive that a kid like me would do
that. for proof i know Hiccup's whole name.
its Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third

SunHae Yoon
I love this movie(soo cute and soo funny) :)

Mark Ahmed

Jamille Agsap
this a like it baby

Jessica Amber Vallerie Ott
this movie is one of my favorite movies now!!!!!!!

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