How we built Facebook Connect [HQ]

26 Temmuz 2010 Pazartesi, 08:25

797 izlenme


Egghead Odewale
Since u started already, you can as well conclude
the explanation to us.

Yunus Güler
hyr kötu

Mete Han Balaban
ne la

'Luchiita Winnchix
Emmmm mass o menoss ??Los SUBTITULOs xDD jejejje

İpek Babalık
ne diyoo anlayan var mııı acaba:P

Kris Chase
heck yes

Guillermo Montoya
ummm interesting, I can do many things with this
attractive platform...

जी vi
wer can we get zat software,,,,am a java student.

Shirly Jaimes
I find it very well, excellent.

Tom Whitnah
Watching it now. Cool.

Marko Sivec
what is this

Andreas Klinger
great - more like that please

Juan Correa
Excluding the delay in the slides and the
narration, it's quite cool learn how Connect
works.By the way, is the XdComm library available
for using it besides Facebook?

Helen Sophocleous
cool>>>Thats awsome<<<

Ryan Moietta
c qui toi ??

Alex Whiteside
its a hard api to use =[

Yaildarling War
me parece Exelente :D i ♥ facebook

Ivan Rojas

SatRia KrEnz
kren banget...

Wael Alkezza
ليبيا بنغازي النصر

James Echarri
Great idea's and designed, keep up the good
work moving...

Egghead Odewale
Since u started already, you can as well conclude
the explanation to us.

Innam Iqbal

Yunus Güler
hyr kötu

Mete Han Balaban
ne la

'Luchiita Winnchix
Emmmm mass o menoss ??Los SUBTITULOs xDD jejejje

AbdelKader Ellouati

Kris Chase
heck yes

Guillermo Montoya
ummm interesting, I can do many things with this
attractive platform...

Shirly Jaimes
I find it very well, excellent.

Tom Whitnah
Watching it now. Cool.

Marko Sivec
what is this

Andreas Klinger
great - more like that please

Juan Correa
Excluding the delay in the slides and the
narration, it's quite cool learn how Connect
works.By the way, is the XdComm library available
for using it besides Facebook?

Helen Sofocleous
cool>>>Thats awsome<<<

Ryan Moietta
c qui toi ??

Ryan Moietta

Alex Whiteside
its a hard api to use =[

Yayis War
me parece Exelente :D i ♥ facebook

Ivan Rojas

SatRia-is My-nAme
kren banget...

Wael Alkezza
ليبيا بنغازي النصر

Qasim Zeeshan
Good to see a 2006 screenshot :)

Shuvo Hasan
The Vive le Bangladesh is a, non-profit, strategic
organization committed to the sustainable end of
world hunger. You can help them right now! by
click on the adds its a charity organization.A NGO
working with WPF to eliminate Hunger and po...

James Echarri
Great idea's and designed, keep up the good
work moving...

Tawhidul Islam

Tommy Gagnon
Thank you !

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