i Luv My Bro.

12 Eylül 2010 Pazar, 00:25

1035 izlenme


Leanne Oie
hate CM Punk!!!!!

Wojtek Zbucki
I love jeff matt and cm punk

Ferlesha Bugatti Kennedy
punk is awesome

Brian Donnell
CM Punk is a yellow-bellied Coward!

Dorene Meyer
i luv my hardy

Joseph Juncaj
boo punk hardys awsone

Reva Kozdras
i ♥ you baby face ;) ...... its a shame your
bro isn't in wwe anymore tna is growing but i
think they should get a new writer ...thought this
video had a good crowd pop :)...

Emirhan Alat

Nycolas Pappas
do u no if jeff is gonna retern to wwe

Jennifer Jones Tucker
I love u n Jeff, u guys r da shit!! Hardy boyz 4

Patrick Smith
no jeffs not hes with TNA now

Helen Vince
Hardy boys 4 EVER! I wish Jeff would come back to

Patrick Smith
why? jeff doesnt get any respect in the WWE. +
hes gone on record saying he hates how he gets no
rest and is always flying or driving. hes better
off where he is in TNA

Jennifer Roios
Hooo my favorite video! We loves the Hardy's
and we misses Jeff sooooo sooooo much in
Smackdown! The WWE will never be the same without
him :(

James Simbulan
I love jeff:)

Morgan Cole
that was so cool

Aj Bordeaux
I seriously doubt...a man would use the word
'luv' in stead of 'love'

Jennifer Meador
This was an awsome night!!!!

Jawad Buholaiqah
ياشيخ بس

Marina Bouvart
i love jefffffffffffffffffff

Jedreke Maynard C. Vargas
yeah matt!!

Mary Servais
cool mattil faut toujour que tu veille sur jeff
ton frere car on l aime et on veux pas qu il se
blaisse i love jeff hardy the best the hardy

Atakan Altuğ

Gaelle Navarro
je vous adore tous les deux... jeff faut
qu'il revienne pour reformer une équipe!

Tina Smith
jeff hardy *** the talent & never forgets how
2 use it 2 his full advantage! rock on harrdy

Mathew Patrzalek

Heaven Orque
What happen 2 jeff hardy now. Im only curious.

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