In total control [HQ]

30 Eylül 2010 Perşembe, 13:59

933 izlenme


KrishaN P
hahahahahaha anderson is shit he would be lucky
to be in the same breath of denilson and song...
hahaha anderson... good 1!! Lampard is a good but
he's only on par with cesc and cesc is like 8
YEARS YOUNGER! And his passing ability is up there
in the top 5 in the world. Gerrard n lamps
can't run a whole midfield they count on
others to help them. Cesc is by FAR the best
midfielder in the premier league and as soon as he
starts getting double figure goals he will be the
THE BEST because its all he has left to do

William Fernando Torres Amuna
the best mifilder is fabregas who can fit him

Michel Voutat
Mercurial is bether

Aharon Gillie
I*** not an Arsenal fan but that was quite
yesterday one of the best performances by a player
since the Premiership began....

LauraAnnoying Porritt

Benjamin Nggada
Fabregas u too much!!!!!!!!!!

Chase Young
i want some cleats like tht

Evan Harris
i have them

Jordan Lfc Swift
that was cool fabregas quality player
unfortunatly not english

Dylan Ogletree
you are the best cesc what a volley

Qasim 'stunning' Abdalla
bad man your awesom

Paola Andueza
mas bello!!!!! cute cesc!!!! =D

'Olie Olie Olie Roche'
how rude anna i mite of put the better answers
but still

Julio Ignacio Andrade Leichtle
traduscanlo al español

Rich Nicol
How the *** can people say cesc Is shit !? These
people ain't *** a clue about football or are
real jelious that he's at Arsenal!?

Nick St.Clair
wise words from a future ARSENAL HALL OF FAMER!

Matt Heath
Dirty Fuckin Gooner

Luke Dowler

Kieran Lunness
i have them new shoes i *** them for my birthday

Bloxx Iyree
Cesc's the best!!!

Reece Err O'Beirne
thats it fabby dnt give up hope

Sijon Thapa
Cecy Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Mc Laughlin
Other than gerrard he's the best in the
league! Oh and it was on Sunday, well done Nike!!

Dylan Barrow

Michael Goulding
hez class

Deon Torii Taylor ッ
aresnal scum

Lehnhard Keklik
very grate video

Aniqah Ahsan
played a brilliant game on sunday. looks like the
boots made the difference lol

Shaiakh Amjad
fabregas is 1 on of the worlds best midfielders,
if not the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Powell
awesomeness i want those cleats ASAP

Hanif Dzaki Naufal
fabregas no1

Tony Hill
I prefer mercurials.. but these still look good

Bayzerbum Newbury
nike football you rule and nike trainers

Anthony Dominic Nappa
ronaldo shits on everyone

Ayush Nagar
yeah....cesc's truly a killer.....cr9

Karl Sagrabb

Fartun Mustafa
i hope Arsenal will win this year fingers cross

Newstar 'Moondust' Newstar
sum guy said anderson is better lol he is dog
shit cant even make a pass and never mind assist
like Cesc did with 4. And Fabregas cost nothings
Anderson cost 20 million. Another said lampard,
now he is jst a joke scores goals after everyone
does hard work and is a old basterd now 30 lol.
Cesc is 22 mate !!!!!!!!!!!!

Damon Tha Xecutive
goooo gunnnnnnnerz!! Cesc = Better than Cristiano

Shashank Amin
he is a master of through-balls...

Owais Soomro
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz give
me gifts on farm ville

Akgun Serce
who r u mannnn

Kuldeep Kularia
yaa... i also feel this as m a player....

Dylan Davies
i hate cesc fabregas

Karl Sagrabb
if u don't have something nice to say about
our captain, go away

Sina Bakhtiari
which cleats r better these ctr 360 or mercurial
vapor 5 for a offensive mid/ forward plz help

Michael Mills
See, the problem here is that because he plays
for arsenal people are blinded by hate and say he
not good, probably the same when Henry was playing
for arsenal or mayber not. Anyway If he leaves for
Barca then we'll know the truth about Arsenal
haters. Many just cant take it that an arsenal
player is actually good which frankly confuses me
because Arsenal's one of the top and still
have not lost that position. Common Sense-If xavi
is itching to play with fabregas at Barca then
guys, fabre. is good.

Muhd Firza Mohd Hanim
fabregas is not good.he is better than good

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