Interview Clip with Tom Welling [HQ]

16 Eylül 2010 Perşembe, 05:25

1431 izlenme


Fernanda Muñoz
Que hermoso que sos!!!!

Murat Sevindik
Tom rocks!

Anna Strannemalm
soo adorable! ♥ I just can't stop looking
at him haha :)

Da Captainhyuk

Noelia Mendiola Robles
I love him ♥ He''s so beautiful, cute
and ***y.

Ma Daan
simply fantastic-- simon cowell LOL

Morvan Riadh

Rebecca Hillerback

Morvan Riadh

Tamara Krsmanovic
mmmmm smeksi :)))

Rehana Usuf
Tom Welling is so cool! ♥

Elliot Smith
they need to have pete return

Hanna Love
tros beaux

Miodrag Popovic
G R E A T!!

France Desnoyers

Lydie Gomez

Louise Hartley
how cute is he!!!! lol

Alejandra Araya
ok. lo voy a pensar y te doy mi respuesta. bye

Anna-Maria Persson
woooow great video and thanx for sharing. really
liked it. if this was from 22 July -25 july so
where I on my trip that time. anyway loking
forward to seen the new smallville season 10. such
great serie and even shall been cool to seen Tom
Welling as a superman too :)

Jenniffer Andrea

Elizabeth Pardo

Nicole Haakinson

Tomy Vilayouth Khreuanarong

Fabiola Ruiz Alpuche
te***o tom¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Stacey Lynn Crawford
Oh Mr. are the greatest man
ever..... after my husband that is!!!!

Karina Duarte Fimbres
I love youuuuuuu

Trinidad D' Andrea
I love you tom you are the most beatifull men in

Amanda Oliver
‎:( wanted to go oh well.. tom you rock! :p

Elodie Cottin-Loubaresse
J'ai rien compris à ce qu'il a dit,
mais c'est pas grave, il est trop cr***uant ^^

Mihai Dinica

Belinda Tubal Bullicer
sounds great

Shekiba Azad
hahaha i love tom welling!!!! wanted to be there
but cudnt make it!

Bob Kent Pourny

Gisela Bravo
I love Tom's smile. My love platonia today.

Zoey Ackles
wow hes grown up so much!! my little tommy is
growin up so fast!! :-( as soon as he smiles my
heart melts...

Edith Condori Reyes
me derriiiiitooooooooo!

Mari Lgarh
tom i love you you are perfect

Bettina Mey
Great interview! Tom for "Superman,Man of

Olajide Kehinde Olakunle
Smallville! Tom!

Jessica De Blanck

Luz Nereida Bohorquez
que tipo tan guapisimo asi

Waleska Lissette M***es
te***o tom welling

Càamille Le Vivier Simier'
tom welling ♥ ♥ ♥

Càamille Le Vivier Simier'
je ne comprend pas ce qu'il dit
quelqu'un c'est parler fancais

Ivon Paola Navarro Davila
tom te me encantas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Ivan Chavez
estoy deacuerdo con todas y todos tom es el mas
***y ;P

Ibrahim Amin Jalloh
you are the best tom

Tia Kirkland
yaaaaay Tom is best friend EVER :)

Adrix Ventura
guapisimo el hombre perfecto...

Shaza Love Cats
that you in san diego?my friends in san diego too
but now she not my friends again

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