Iron Maiden - The Longest Day

02 Ağustos 2010 Pazartesi, 14:24

732 izlenme


Blaž Kranjčev
the best song and video is from Saving private
Ryan.This is in Sabaton-Primo Victoria video realy
good video.THE BEST!!!

Jeff Snider
bad ass song & a bad ass movie \m/(--)\m/

Burak Taşcıoğulları
the best scene of the best movıe!!!!

Soubitya Seal
hey jeff u can shit off if ya dun like dis...!!
this is not fo ya....Maiden Forever... \m/

Deniz Sahin
Efsane grup,muhteşem klip.!!

Tessa Snider
hey soubitya, pretty sure bad ass means he likes
it. If u can't understand english then this
is not fo ya.... and in your words u can shit off

Jeff Snider
lol kids

Tom Shay
Maiden is still Bad Ass!!

Mbsfiitraa Ajha

Cihat Çelebi
medal of honor allied assault.

Màlmsteen Màxî Lôveùz
‎\\m// no comment ♥

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