Jay Sean - Ride It

02 Şubat 2010 Salı, 03:20

1674 izlenme


Raffy Thanii
awwwww jay i lovee uuu ♥ lol urrrr
sooooooooooooooooo fitttttttttttttttttlol...
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Nafeesa Bi
luv dis song,n luv u 2 jay sean!!!!!xxxxxxxxxmwah

Anjna- 'Anjie'
Great song Jay...xx

Terath Kaur
Jay Sean ♥

Elona Za
sweet, lovely,voice that makes falling in love!!!
i love this song is the best!!xxx

Sirisha Tadepalli
the dj playd ur favorite song, kanye's on. :)

Hafsa Pakison
ii luv Jay SeanJay Sean F0rever !! :L ♥

Piyumi Weralavithana
AwsoOm!! luv it....!

Mounir Benaaros
oh my god!!!!! I LOVE this song....

Estephania Franco
i love it !!! :d

Mustafa Hussain
love it ........great song man

Beste Onarman
the best.ride it , just loose control. (:

Carlos Eduardo Ulloa Aguilar
awwaaaaaaaaatambn la***an cierto yo tambnme
recuerda a algo o a alguien... :(

Fareeha Adil
i♥ this song

Edrene Carlson
luv this song u look so hot

Jazz Dua
luv this song .............

Roopa Dhillon
♥ ♥ ♥ jAy seAn ♥
♥ ♥

Amal Sharif
luv it

Jahanara Alam
luv it jay sean

Kristie Mohammed
I ♥ Y JAY SEAN!!! i want 2 fell you ride
it....turn d lites down low n ride it...I ♥

Anshul Sehgal
wat a song..... just luv it ♥

Binita 'bini-girl' Mancha
wow!! i love this song!!! ♥ u JaY! :)

Nikki Bella A
In love with song!! :)

Aysel Mv
lov ur songs THERE GREAT!!!

Kalvindar Kaur
love this song.

Toasin Chowdhury
i love dis song realy..................

Ayse Anelya Asilturk
dis song is just whoaaa , damn Luv ya JAYYYYY (L)x

Hira Mahmood
Love Thiiss x

Kübra Acar
l love rit it (j@y s€@n)

Deniz Çay
radit ververy single vergoood jayesan

Sonia Hodgkinson
love this song

Margarita Kraus

Jamal Norman
its awsum

Jamal Norman

Lauren Kelly
such a good tune!!

Jamal Norman
u said that right

Sezen Yılmaz
excellent ya :)

Jamal Norman
very excellent

Gat Rolliezen T. Gatdula
jay sean rocks my world

Nominetta Peola
Very good song...

Guma Bekisheva
cool....i like it=)))

Liverpools Angel
id love 2 lol x

Karen Bo
my favourite song!!!! i luv him ^^

Kandy Land
♥ 'd it

Karen Bo
te quiero *.*

Tarantula Baybe Thursh
mmmm the best!!

Navjot Rana
love this song......ur the best jay

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