Justin and Jaden- Never Say Never

03 Mayıs 2011 Salı, 23:20

798 izlenme


Samantha Cakes Huggins
This is not fair the entire family is talented and
good looking...Geesh!!! Spread the love man..lol!
Naw I love it you guys need a reality show we need
to see more positive and successful black families
on TV! God Bless and I hope to meet you guys one
day!!! :-)

MomofTwins Dorsey
I agree......time for a REALITY SHOW!

Evonne Ellison
I like this

Detelina Stamatova
soooo beautiful and talented!! he will do great
things just like his parents!

Cecelia Paris
Greatness is hereditary !!!!! Stay strong and
stay blessed!!Love it, love it, love it!!!

Theodore Overton
that was nice

Sharon Tuells
Amazing...... children will do***azing things to
take your breath away.....you both must be so

Natalie Uff
so cute!! You both raised a great kid. Very
talented like his parents.

Andre Jackson
this Karate Kid was the best remake of a movie
ever done...If you have one better ? What is it
chime in.

Eryka Kayn

Diamond Barbie Angel
So cute he is so talented like his parents....

Wana Williams
Movie was GREAT!! Saw a lot of similarities to
Will :) haha. Best line in the song "I was
born from 2 stars so the moon is where I

Sandra Miller
i really like it..

Elmer Davis
If there are two people on this plant that should
be happy,I'm sure it's you guys because
the remake of karate kid was outstanding.If not
great or better than the original.Most of all Will
your son is on his way to out do his father in the
movies,he's great .That I'm sure makes
you proud of his disipline in the craft of
entertainment. God bless you and your family.

Linda Brooklyn
he is absolutely adorable...kudos. May God
continue to bless and protect your beautiful union
and family.

Kristy Bryant
Love it!! Just 2 cute!!!

Kayla TruelyBlessed Britt
I love this song..... I see Will sooo much in
Jaden.....one of my fave line is "no pun
intended but i was raised by the power of

Denzell Norris
Okay we have Little ROMEO on the SET!! Lol this
song is greatt.. Keep your head up!

Jeanette L. Norris
you are blessed so blessed wonderful song !

Nicole Deniece Brice
Wow! He has so much talent! I wonder where he ***
that from? LOL!!! Will and Jada you both have done
an***azing job with keeping Jaden grounded but
allowing his light and gifts to shine!!! Once
again, you both are very inspiring parents and get
role models. Keep up the great work! Looking
forward to taking our 6 year old to see it
tomorrow night! Blessings and Love!

Policarpe Vixamar
this is the bomb ya really tight

Karyl Williams
he is really good at dancing! i try to dance like
that but i can never get it!! lol :)

Chloe James
again i ♥ luv jaden!~he is so handsome! i would
kill 2 jmeet him that would be the bobmb! jada
plase say sumpin 2 me or bout me or maybe send me
a message! i not kiddin ur son is so fine!

Sydnee Hamilton
this is a great and it would be great to meet him
or any of them they are truely great people and i
hope the best for them and again if there is any
chance that u could send me that 7-up cake i would
love to try it . let love, peace, and happiness
be with you. and it really is a great song. so
send me a message if you can i would love to chat

Gail Roberson
That is true TALeNT

Karen Martinez
A great mix a little of Will and I little of

Ashley Wright
i already no the part to jaden's rap

Ashley Wright
and he's already like i his dad being in
movies and havin a music vid

Denzell Norris
yur son birthday is 2morrow July 8th Happy
Birthday Jaden I think youll be 12 years old i
think lol(:

Denzell Norris
Happyyy Birthdayy Jaden have a bless dayy!!

Vii Thao
omfg , i love jaden ♥

Chelsea Jones
your baby is ***y

Shatavia Lovesyhualot Andrews
luv this video hes soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amber Burney
my lil sis loves this video and she loves jaden

Kiara Diimonpryncess Mason
He is so cute..I*** luvin Seasons 1 and 2 of

Kira Poitier
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute

Thelma Chneta Washington
Awesome job Jaden!

HsAn CheRir
so wonderful ♥ ♥ =D

Gabriela Johnson
LOVE!!!! ♥ his rap melts my heart every
time"no pun intended was raised by the power
of will" BEST!!!! ♥

Naarai Michele
My lil Bro used to watch this video EVERY SINGLE
DAY, in the early morning, with the computer
speakers blasting llol lol. But its an awesome
song, so I didn't mind too much

Kenee Mack
I love this video so much and jaden is so cute and
he is doing his thing go jaden

Abbie Spanner Stokes
he is so cute and so funny !

Malerie Love

Khalil Génial
m7lh ceto

Asia Johns
love it

Jessica Moniqe Williams
i luv dis song and i will neva say neva

Jenny Bailin
Awesomes... you must be proud of him.. very
talented boy.. God bless you all.. Amen..

Nicole Dela Rosa Sul
i love jaden so much!!!!!!!

Marika Limatola
it s beatiful songs!!I LOVE JB JD=)

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