JYJ LIVE Billboard - Empty [HQ]

27 Kasım 2010 Cumartesi, 08:42

849 izlenme


Leti Yun
eeeeeeep ♥ 우리 애기들~

Yajaira Elizabeth Chaidez Camarillo
me encantha mucho su musica.te nemos k luchar
para q vengan a mexicoo

Luzahimir Alejandra 東方神起
yo quiero q vengan a venezuela... *-----* pffffff
esto esta DEMACIADO.... *se derrite* alguien sabe
donde esta el link de youtube?? porfa¿

Justine V. Siriban

Leow Li Chin
thanks for sharing!!! Great clip. They are still
as charming as ever...though JJ looked like he
lost quite a bit of weight and i miss the
michevious look on Junsu's
face...nevertheless...they are still the best! I
have to say Micky looked really good with that
hair style. It really suit him. ^^

Leow Li Chin
I just watched the clip again....love JJ's
smile at 2:45....aaaahhh...it's been a while
since i saw his smile. Still as charming as ever!!

Vivian Chow
If *** 5 of them 2gather... more better

Leow Li Chin
‎@Vivian Chow:for the 5 of them to perform
again...that's the biggest wish in all
Cassiopeia's heart....that's the reason
why we should always keep the faith. have faith in
them...because I'm sure they hope to perform
together again too.

XToyed Gaohli
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ made my day. Though I noticed
JJ doesn't have much of a solo part but a
very important part, his strong high vocal cord.

Oil Jung
Why don’t you let it go, let it go, let it go,
let it go Girl, because your heart is empty
......(I like it)

Fenny Sim
I Love This SongLet's Support JYJ

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