Karapete Xaço

09 Temmuz 2010 Cuma, 11:23

7712 izlenme


Komaçiya Hikmet
burun burun kurdistan kokuyor

Halil Ibrahim Ozdurak
benim eski hayatım süperrrrrrrr

Veysel Erel
spür :)

şiyar Ayaz
iyi bir biyografi yazılmış. eline sağlık.

Volkan Volkan Kervancıoğlu
In the past, town to town, village to village
entangled go, the area with a population of people
of the council mentioned in their execution as
make a living, and they go where kilam and
lawjelerini also take them back corpus thanks
repertu...arlarına rich k. .. scored. Dengbejler
among the literate, compiled and lawjeleri kilam
not put into writing the number is almost
negligible. Pilgrim this folkloric material in
abundance in the east of the West, one of the main
reasons for striking the coming of the Kurds in
the literacy rate is very low. Dengbejliğin
because it is based on the nature of
improvisation. Compilation is based on rote
methods for almost all kilamlar mutant, each
dengbej kilama compiled or have added something
from him or vice versa, for sure, some parts were
destroyed narrative. Many thanks to the role of
these transmitters kilam Dengbejliğin, taken from
women who create it, re-compiled and reached a
wider audience. Kilam otherwise a very creative
with the death of the peasant women would go into
oblivion. Ask any kilam a dengbejden, you just can
not sort the words, humming the tune before the
words even as the ranks. Because it has been
memorized with kilam melodies. Go tune from his
mind when the syntax of the dengbejin flies. Upon
entry into this chase, but between the music ends.
Karapet XAÇO (1900-2005)
Garzan-Kamışlı-105-year life of Yerevan
triangle sığdırmış.Ermeni largest
Kurdish-born performer Kılam. "Filitê Quto
'dengbêji family. A wonderful memory, more
than a thousand kilama ruled 'Sword now
the' Kurdistan with Dengbêj Karapet Xaço
... His real name Karapet Khachatrian
(Xaçaturyan) the Karapet Xaço, passport,
official information by September 3, 1900 in the
then-Diyarbakir province depends Garzan the zone
is, now that the Batman Bashir access to the
'Bileyder' (Binatlı) an Armenian family
in the village as a child comes into the world.
According to unofficial sources was born in 1908.
But I in 1900 births marked the Armenian
Government for him by his passport, I've
seen, and in 2002 'Si Publications', in
2005 the' apples Publications' between
the 'A Cry of the Century; Karapet Xaço
titled my book, many documents together with the
published. At the age of 7-8, in the Armenian
deportations Bileyder parents house in the village
in front of him, in front of his sister and
brother are shot dead. After the defeat of the
effects of the death of Sheikh Said midnight
strikes on the Syrian border itself. Kamışlı
(Qamişlo), Hesekê and lives in Beirut nearly 20
years. French mercenary army for 15 years (of
legionnaires) makes. In 1946 the Soviet Union to
the countries of the management of the Armenian
diaspora invited, his wife and young son Serop
Yeva with Armenia in 1946, the ship goes through
via Batumi. Yerevan Armenia until his death due to
'Solxoza Çaran' (Fourth Solhoz) village
children, grandchildren lived with. Yeva'yı
his beloved wife died in 1976 .. I visited him
four times. Perhaps the biggest influences in my
life dengbêjlerden Karapet Xaço'dur the
first question. Lived in open, open, said open and
died. But 'Dengbêjê Kilamên
Mêraniyê' (Heroes Kılamlarının
Dengbêji) as a typical French aristocrat was
infinitely proud of. Gave voice to the many years
of Radio Yerevan. After opening the radio, radio
called for the first dengbêjlerdendir.
Bişêriyo, Evdalê Zeynê, Endîwere Paytext e,
edule, Zembîlfiroş, Young Xelîl, Salih û
Nûrê Filîtê Quto, Mîrzikê Zaza, De Xalo
hundreds like kılamı extremely beautiful Kurdish
and interpret reputation, but 'Lawikê
text-Lê Lê Dayikê' kılamı with the name
became nearly identical. Him in January of 2005,
60 years lived in the village of Yerevan's
Solxoza Çaran lost ... BEST OF

Komaçiya Hikmet
burun burun kurdistan kokuyor

Halil Ibrahim Ozdurak
benim eski hayatım süperrrrrrrr

Argeş Rewan
spür :)

şiyar Ayaz
iyi bir biyografi yazılmış. eline sağlık.

Volkan Volkan Kervancıoğlu
In the past, town to town, village to village
entangled go, the area with a population of people
of the council mentioned in their execution as
make a living, and they go where kilam and
lawjelerini also take them back corpus thanks

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