
07 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi, 03:54

390 izlenme


Tom Hamnett
I used to jam with Shannon, the creator of this
fine animation, during high school. We briefly
considered the band name The Nasty Pasties but
quickly rejected the idea. I teach music in a
classroom and I've used this song in lessons
to show...

Wouter Marien
my wake-up, in the shower, of to work theme...

Gato Larenas
definitely the best song congratulations!!!! This
is part of my car every day!! greetings from
Chile!!! Viva Gotye!!!

Ae Ran Kim
This video reminds me pixar's movie

Wendy Buckingham
i likes the vid, but loves the song, realy boucey,
bubblee, happy, i can listen to this over and over

Georgina Morton
Love it . Awake up song in the morningÇevirisine

Miqueas Corral
Love the different hues of balloons. =)Çevirisine

Nancy Bailleux
dit nummer geeft je inderdaad zin om op te staan
en erin te vliegen....

Alexander Chavez
pay attention to the title!

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