learning phaco chop step by step [HQ]

28 Eylül 2010 Salı, 20:15

1953 izlenme


Dhashani Sivaratnam
Thanks for this valuable video DrOetting. I was
wondering in stop and chop, the machine setting
from "sculpting" is changed to
"segment/quadrant removal" when you
start chopping right? And in phaco chop do you go
direct from "epinucleus removal" to
"quadrant removal" setting?

Cataract Surgery
dhashani thanks i need to add some info on the
settings. during scultping the groove you need
low vacuum and low flow rate (eg 80 mmHg vacuum
and 18 flow rate on infinity or 15 vacuum on the
stelaris). when you are trying to engage and
ho...ld the lens for chopping you need more vacuum
so you incorease the settings just like you do for
removing a segment (300 mmHg vacuum and 30 flow
rate for infinity and 175 vacuum for stelaris).
when chopping with the Ozil on inifinity i like to
use longitudinal phaco to hold and chop and then
use the Ozil only when removing and emulsifying
the pieces. thanks again for your comments. tom

Richard Martinez
Thanks. Excellent videos and awesome tips for tha
transition from D&C - Stop and Chop to final
Non Stop Chop or Quick Chop. Congratulations
excelent instructional video

Dhashani Sivaratnam
Thanks, DrOetting, I use Ozil too and will try
these settings out.

Nikolas Georgakarakos
excellent video ! could I ask which chopper is
used in this video? why do you prefer this one?
which would you suggest a beginner in chopping
should use and which ones to avoid? (sorry for all
these questions..).

Madhu Rao
That was an excellent demo on how learn direct
chop...I use infinity for my phacos. Can you tell
me the ozil-phaco-vacuum-flow rate settings for
sculpting, stop and chop and Direct Chop
methods?Thank you in advance

Cataract Surgery
nikolas the chopper is the Siebel chopper which
is a nice chopper i think as you can do horizontal
and vertical and it is pretty safe. i would avoid
very sharp choppers like chang's quicker
chopper when starting as it is scary sharp.
thanks for your comments. tom o

Hc Chakib
very nice, thank's so much

Eduardo Uchiyama
Thanks Dr. Oetting, great video, great teacher

Khalid Al Husseiny
really very nice

Madhu Rao
Thanks a lot Dr Tom

Rehan Shaikh
Its beautiful video but it will be superb if
include fuidics, phaco setting

Cataract Surgery
rehan you are right. i will add in more about
the settings. thx tom o

J***ueline Elias
Perfect.Everybodys crazy about your videos.Thank

Musa Awan
That was the best tutorial I have seen as an
introduction for phaco chop.

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