LeBron James Locomotive Dunk [HQ]

01 Ağustos 2010 Pazar, 22:49

1438 izlenme


Robert Jayson Tirao
both cavs and lakers are lost this game

Páll Herbert Jóhannsson
my idol

Rupert Roi Alberto
wwwwwwwooooh..slam dunk braker..:D

Jan Harvey Mendoza

Rhevz Sibulo
galit c lebron?hehe!!

Irakli Sxitaridze
Best Player Of NBA history

Amanda Kaiser
Dear Kobe: Go ahead and retire....No one does it
better than Lebron!!!! Oh and P.S.: the Cavs are
coming for your ring! :)

Giann Lorenzo Carlo Amon
no.1 lebron 23 .retire kobe

Jerome Rezin Sanchez Gaddi
GO lebron MVP

Guillan Cadalzo Maneja
seen that couple times.no surprise

Fernyl Rebibis
my idol!!!!no.23 is the bestvery nice dunk

Tarique Williams
king james!....:P

Marvell Ray Asaboro
wat ya want me 2 say wen i cnt watch it

Mohammed Salah

Tahir Buta
KING SHOW CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isidro Camacho
thats why he wears jordans number

Jennifer Davidson
add me please

Jessie Pacatiw
i watched how he dunk,,,, so nice.....

Broderick Tan

Rohitesh Dewan
thats the only thing he ever does on a fast break

Otome Charles Opuoro
Can Le Bron James dunk from the foul line? I
think NOT. I do stand corrected if I*** proved
wrong. Guy is about 6' 9. Ain't really
spectacular. Just that he puts it down really

Kim Abadeza
oh my god!!!!!!!!!! high flyer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry Moreno
i can do that high than!!

Harry Francisco
i can also do that!!..

Terry Moreno
hahhahahah...watch my video!

Josh Thatcher
Kiingggg James!

Rodrigo David Ulloa Araya
wn pro

Robert Jayson D. Tirao
both cavs and lakers are lost this game

Ahmed Kheir
i can hear them in the stands already .... MVP MVP

Rupert Roi Alberto
wwwwwwwooooh..slam dunk braker..:D

Jan Harvey Sornet Mendoza

Rhevie Sibulo
galit c lebron?hehe!!

Serhat Aka
good job LeBron

Irakli Skhvitaridze
Best Player Of NBA history

Amanda Kaiser
Dear Kobe: Go ahead and retire....No one does it
better than Lebron!!!! Oh and P.S.: the Cavs are
coming for your ring! :)

Braulin Rodriguez
ese es el hombre 23

Giann Lorenzo Carlo Amon
no.1 lebron 23 .retire kobe

Jerome Rezin Sanchez Gaddi
GO lebron MVP

Guillan Maneja
seen that couple times.no surprise

Paolo Carboni
the chosen one

Zerone Rebibis
my idol!!!!no.23 is the bestvery nice dunk

Tarique Williams
king james!....:P

Marvell Ray Asaboro
wat ya want me 2 say wen i cnt watch it

Mohammed Salah

Tahir Buta
KING SHOW CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!

Isidro Camacho
thats why he wears jordans number

Hasan Gonenoglu

Jennifer Davidson
add me please

Jessie Pacatiw
i watched how he dunk,,,, so nice.....

Wenz Seredett'jebredd

Broderick Tan

Nathalie Smith
add me please

Hadar Azulay Kaduri
לברון המלךךךךךךךךך

Rohitesh Huggy Dewan
thats the only thing he ever does on a fast break


Otome Charles Opuoro
Can Le Bron James dunk from the foul line? I think
NOT. I do stand corrected if I*** proved wrong.
Guy is about 6' 9. Ain't really
spectacular. Just that he puts it down really

Pavlovic Petar
you are the best!!!

Marc Jovanovic
I love this game!!!!

Kim Abadeza
oh my god!!!!!!!!!! high flyer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry Moreno
i can do that high than!!

Harry Francisco
i can also do that!!..

Savaş Doğan
hacı adam uçmuş resmen:))))

Savaş Doğan
tabi yaptığım yorumu aranızda anlayanda yok

Terry Moreno
hahhahahah...watch my video!

Pato Altavilla

Erşan Pişkin
uçmuş tabe *** :D

Josh Thatcher
Kiingggg James!

Corentin Carneau
What a dunl !

Jaime Masa
wacth my vidieo fantastic king james

James Castro

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