Legacy - Ninja Assassin Restricted Music Video [HD]

29 Mayıs 2011 Pazar, 07:48

798 izlenme


Atari Greene
Rain is not doing the lead song because...? =x

Arthur R. Vascherault
I believe he's not doing the single because
it would make people think this is just a gimmick
for a singer to make it in the films, and not a
excitement action film.

Ravi Persad

Crystal Chan
If RAIN lead the song will be perfect !

Amio Nai
agrees with Solomon Dy..actually it needs
something more stronger like Soilwork

Lina Lee
ahhhh RAINNNNN!!! :D

Solomon Dy
thanks Amio Naithis is like happen with volcano
high, not only did they change the storyline they
mess up the music. I only watch the asian version

White Francis
you commentators obviously dont listen to Wu Tang
Clan and missunderstand where this video is coming
from. it kicks ass.

Joseph Braig
What is the point of the girl?

Amber M Placencio
Linkin Park, yeah!! Music video sucked!!
Soundtrack definitely needs Rain!!!

Keane McAlmont
I can't wait till this movie comes out

Aisha Wonderful-Wildflower Ward
I do

Ramon Arriola
Stop hatin' on hip hop, it's not even
that bad. I would have had shing02 on that track
but just be glad they had people who actually can
think while they spit on the mic instead of 50
cent or some stupid shit like that. As if Lamb of
God would have been that much better.

Glenda Dale
No one has explained why Rain didn't do
soundtrack stuff himself. Really there is no need
for anyone else. The man can do it all :)oh, and
YES he can do hip hop : ) and he's one
helluva dancer as well.

Victor Liu
This soundtrack and video sucks balls. Seriously,
was expecting something better than a rap video by
rappers who aren't popular by any means in
todays time.

Nita Tam
the girl in mv....what the hell......why
don't let the main actor~rain to sing it?he
is the pop singer in asia~

May Agtarap
despite this bad song i still want to watch ninja

Rashad T
The song is just fine. I like the chorus.
There's only 2 hip hop tracks on the official

Keiko Ueda

Keith Crowder
I was liking this until the naked chic was in
it.what the f___?

Charlie Wong
It makes sense to me!!! Ghost Dog it ain't,
but so what!

Andrew Penington
badass video

Amio Nai
i think i came across a clip of the eng dubbed VH
once, made my ears bleed ><Didnt get the
whole point of the naked chick >_>I get the
lyrics but the music is too slow for a kick ass
flim..the music that works best is the theme found
on the actual site

Hanna Ang

Pin Cụt
the naked girl is soooooo RANDOM!!!

Josara Song

Cool Person
tight video

Sauda Brown
this song and video is garbage! should've
just put some old Wu-Tang on it.

Giovanni Moncay Niño
this sucks!!does not fit the movie.. you suck!

Culuner Areyas

Robin Wu
This video sucks ! who the hell is that rapper?
i've never seen that guy before..... better
don't use this trash as a movie soundtrack.

Harley Quinn Valentine
the song sucks. it doesnt fit the movie AT ALL!

Lee Vania
This really shit does not belong to this movie, it
should be something else that belongs to this high
class type of a movie not rap or hip hop trash.

Marc Morgenegg
oh my good... gangster shit... in such a stylish
movie... just fail...

Mamay Fvndamental
checkthizoutz . . .

Mark Donaldson
Rae Kwon (Wu-Tang Clan), Xzibit, and Murs.
Probably produced by Rza (Wu-Tang Clan).

Gavino Cenon Abaya III
Sorry, this rap crap just doesn't cut it! A
heavy metal track would fit much better or even
some techno/rave/trance music would do!

Alex Enriquez
are you kidding me?i just saw this movie about an
hr ago,and this bullshit people call music just
disgraced it entirely...seriously?these people
know nothing about respect...

Nurul Hidayat Yuzar

Tibor Casualties
kool!!!!! yeah the beef nice music!+ Also a video
Whoa!! it's mine! Yeah!!!kool!!!

Bagoes Febryartha
ninja yang nekad dengan gurunya

Affan Fadl

Timo J Fulgencio
fail wit evry thing

Kiki VivaMj Rf
THE BEST kick-a** movie!!!

James Ang
Wow..This movie this kick ass! i love this movie i
am going to see Ninja Assassin part 2 i cant wait
to see it coming soon Ninja Assassin Part 2.Pls
reply back right now! From: James Ang

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