Let's walk İstiklal Street in İstanbul - İstiklal Caddesi [HD]

01 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba, 12:30

1202 izlenme


Ömer Can
ıstıklal cacdesınde ananas yemeyıı ve
taksımde tek yone gıtmeyee

Željka Gracin
nice rememberings...I know every part of this
street...love Istanbul

Hanady Mohamed
i feel that i*** walking in my home land, there
is something common between us

Ebru Yavuz
cok güzel hazırlanmış orda yasamaktan gurur
duyuyorum istanbulu sevmekten hic vazgecmicem

Angela de Veen
Great :) I want to visit Istanbul someday.

John Baron
hi gyes I*** about to come to istanbul I need
someone to tell something about it can i find or
not ?

Selim Çiçek- Ayşegül Kocatepe
hi John place's in İstanbul you definitely
have to visit is the Dolmabahce palace-Topkapi
museum-haghia sophia-Sultanahmet mosque (Blue
mosque)-Grand bazaar & spisy bazaar-Basilica
Cistern -make a boattour over the
fantasticBosporus-look at... the beautiful
panorama from the Galatatower-shop in the Cevahir
shoppingmall in the sisli district near by taksim
square-and ofcourse the Istiklal streetenjoy your
stay in İstanbul to give you a image of istanbul
look at the photo's on my page ,bye Gör

Omer Yildirim
istiklallllll caddesi:D

Omer Yildirim
istiklaldeki afm ye az gitmedik

Sümeyra Batkitar
bizide ***urcektin ömer bey bi aralar***a

Absolutely-Kate Pilarcik
Hello Selim ~ I too*** coming to Turkey ... I
shall learn the more from your excitement for this
great land. ~ Kate

Selim Çiçek- Ayşegül Kocatepe
Hello Kate i hope you enjoy your stay in Turkey
and have a wonderful holiday ,thank you for your
nice comment and rate,greetings to you bye

Ismail Tasci

Taner Topcu
Adam video çekmiş mesaj belli İstiklal
caddesinde %80 ni yabancı mağza sektörü
yorumlar ise herşeyi açıklıyo bırakın ananas
yemeyi afm ye gitmeyi ona buna İstanbulu
tanıtmayı onlar sizden daha iyi biliyorlar

Ricki Dee
I LOVE YOU TOO, ISTANBUL...and always will!!! and
the people who live there.....I will not ever
forget you!!, especially Atakan, Hakan...and I
could name so many more!! sigh..

Ayse L. Coban
istanbul soo different i live in canadaaa andd i
misss istanbul becauseee there iss soooo
beautifull... i will ever forget istanbull..
because u can't everyday u missed. u wanna
go, u can't stayyy.

Engin Arslan
Canadanin neresinden ayse coban.yoksa ayni
sehirde mi yasiyoruz?

Ayse L. Coban

Engin Arslan
uzun zaman dan beri mi torontoda yasiyorsunuz?

Ayse L. Coban
‎1 senedir sn?

Engin Arslan
uzun zamandan beri.torontoda okuyormusun yoksa
calisiyormusun?canada yi nasil buldun guzel mi?

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