Lilian Garcia sings the National Anthem on WWE Monday Night Raw [HQ]

04 Mayıs 2011 Çarşamba, 03:12

1654 izlenme


Brent Arklie
Best damn rendition of a National song since
Lillian sang it on Sept 13, 2001, or Kate
Smith's "God BLess America",

Bhawan Kai
Screw***erica u stupid***ericans

Joel Rodriguez

Jk Cen
Patriotism! Very Impressive.

Peter Dunn
Nice to get her back for one night!

Gail Mitchell Webb
Amazing... Gave me goose bumps!! She is***azing

Tiara Royal Noble
she sung her face off.

David Faamausili
USA USA USA!! That chant gives me chills down my

Michael Weisel
‎10 years ago Lilian did one of the most***azing
renditions ever. It was very fitting she did it
again last night.

Becky Hogan
Of all the celebrities that have sang the national
anthem, Lillian Garcia was the best!!! I cried
when she sang it!!!

Joel Huston
i cried it was***azing!!!!!!!!!!11

Debbie Johansen
It was so great to see Lilian and hear her
beautiful voice...You were graceful as always.....

Tina Hazzard
She *** a pretty voice

K.C. Koch
I stood in my living room with the surround sound
loud enough the neighbors could hear it with my
hand over my heart! God bless the USA!

Michael Nell
Great job on the song. It brought tears to my eyes

Laurence Dent
lilian did a nice job but didn't the music
seem slow

Derek Wallace
She has a great voice!

Melissa Munoz

Ali S. McLaren
Lilian Garcia ur fans miss U hunnie come bck :)
Raw is nt the same without ur voice, no 1 can say
the WWF/WWE Championship like U can :)

Louie Aldrin Cabral
justice has been done!

Frank Smeragliuolo
she still looks good i miss her...

Adam Humphery Kirk
i wich i can fint

Anthony Preece
miss lillian! wish she'd come back as ring

Mikki Gardner
no one sings it better or does it better than
lilian garcia. thank you lilian. excellent job.
brought tears to my eyes. how emotional. sung like
a true***erican that lilian is.

Amanda Spinner
Wonderful moment..Not a dry eye or a butt in the
seat last night

Ken Coulter
I remember this day as if were yesterday,,, and it
was the best National Anthem I ever heard,,, and
to see the tears from her eyes brought tears to
mine,,, way to go Lillian

Fozan Khan
i*** happy see u in raw Lilian Garcia

James Ammons
That girl can sang

Tim Hayes
Man, I never knew Howard Finkle could sing so well

Allisson Priscilla Sulca Perez
es lidix sige asi maryse no zorry

Tim Raths
I miss Lilian!

Daniel Quintanilla
I was there live. Awesome show.

Freda Soto
great job girl

Kat Perez
she sung that right! lol u guys agree

Elijah W. Berg
wow now that is how you sing the national anthem
Christina Aguilera can TAKE SOME NOTES

Elizabeth Decker
gives me chills

Robert O Mahony
that was unreal some voice

Sarah Delacroix
woua elle a changer :)

Sarah Schippers

Mingo Hernandez
lillian garcia, awsome,god bless u, u r a blessed

Scott Schindler
very moving very proud moment! i*** so proud to
have met her in nice and caring!
:) birthday is on FLAG DAY june 14th :)

Monica Banks
i miss lilian !!!!! come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Nicolas Rivero
i love lilian garcia

Tony Shehatta
i miss you

Jennifer Garcia
No one will ever forget this night

Daniel Hill
She has a great voice and very pretty

Fikret Atluggürgen
I like that

Beth Courtright
Lilian y'all did a great job singing the
National Anthem. Makes me Proud to be an American.

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