I share in everyone's respect and enjoyment
of the Beatles. Their music is consistently
inspiring. Without a doubt, I can see how much
they enjoyed writing, recording, and performing
music. There are many special moments for the
Beatles as they played a unique role in defining
modern music history. It was a pleasure being able
to experience one this morning.
Jose B. Rosado
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 16:18
the beatles mi grupo preferido
Jorge Ignacio
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 16:44
n' still
Dominic Huige
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 17:30
Buuuh, hate em
Jussi Lustre
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 17:59
Tässä vaiheessa meni jo kovaa!!
Nenita Lloret
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:07
beatles 4ever!!!!
Ron Davis
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:10
Glad to see Apple & Apple (records &
computers) have made this available. I still
remember sitting in front of the TV back in 1964
watching them on Ed Sullivan. Cool to see the
short clip of the show.
Maite San Jose
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:27
Me gustaran siempre!!!!
Philippe Richard
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:39
Fan depuis 40 ans ils ont révolutionnés la
musique mais plus que cela , ils sont éternels ,
quand vous pensez qu'ils ont vendus à ce
jour plus de 2 milliards d'albums, personne
ne pourra les remplacer merci John, Paul , Georges
et Ringo vous étes dans nos coeurs pour toujours
, j 'ai transmis cette héritage des BEATLES
à mes filles et petites filles elles adorent et
quand je vois tous ces jeunes autour de moi qui
écoutent et qui aiment ce groupe de légende pour
Wahiba Sahed
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:52
thanks for sending this video ,february 1964 such
a memorable day for all of us beatles fans
Yoojin Cho
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 18:54
Victory of apple.
Marc Rodrigues Schäfer
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 19:19
Arlan Uy
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 19:29
part of my childhood music.
Rene Webb Miller
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 19:54
The Beatles defined my teenage years! Will always
remember those appearances on Ed Sullivan show,and
the times I saw them in concert.
Marco Espacio Equis
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:01
Momentos en los que... al parecer... la emoción
era "Emoción"
Guilherme Braune
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:16
Just awesome... nothing but the best band of the
human history!!!!
Jose Manuel Aparicio Ruiz
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:41
when I was only fourteen years
old..........to-day I remember all about their
Roger Ripplinger
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:43
AWESOME... its about time Apple and Apple settled
their differences so we can stop being punished
for their child like fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marta Acosta
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:56
Ramón Miñana Arnao
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 20:57
Gisèle Coulet
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 21:28
géniaux qu'ils étaient
Justine Agogue
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 21:39
un seul mot génial tout simplement beatles
Gün Irfan Namaldı
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 21:47
Maddy Tripp
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 21:52
oh my god i love the beatles so much!!!!!!
Scott Sehmer
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 21:53
Cesar Humberto Acosta Lara
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 22:14
Alguien dijo alguna vez "todos podran ser
idolos, todos podran ser idolatrados, pero los
Beatles marcaron una epoca" hhhhhhhhoooo
Finn Lorentzen
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 22:15
i vor er det dejligt at høre frs de gode 60ér
mine idoler fra den gang
Victor De La Torre
19 Kasim 2010 Cuma, 22:18
me encanta ese escenario!! me encantan The
class at Marley Jr High because she went to this
concert. RIP Anna.
todo john
ceviche, i like beatles`s song because... I don`t
now... solo quería practicar mi ingles :D!!
teenagers understand what is the real music and
they keep hearing computer musics.
the music from the Beatles.
G S M I L E Love it...Always will
my life.
conjunto sin ruido a lata, y no como las bandas de
ahora que a mi gusto inspiran poco o nada!...
som ett knytnävslag i magen.
of the Beatles. Their music is consistently
inspiring. Without a doubt, I can see how much
they enjoyed writing, recording, and performing
music. There are many special moments for the
Beatles as they played a unique role in defining
modern music history. It was a pleasure being able
to experience one this morning.
computers) have made this available. I still
remember sitting in front of the TV back in 1964
watching them on Ed Sullivan. Cool to see the
short clip of the show.
musique mais plus que cela , ils sont éternels ,
quand vous pensez qu'ils ont vendus à ce
jour plus de 2 milliards d'albums, personne
ne pourra les remplacer merci John, Paul , Georges
et Ringo vous étes dans nos coeurs pour toujours
, j 'ai transmis cette héritage des BEATLES
à mes filles et petites filles elles adorent et
quand je vois tous ces jeunes autour de moi qui
écoutent et qui aiment ce groupe de légende pour
a memorable day for all of us beatles fans
remember those appearances on Ed Sullivan show,and
the times I saw them in concert.
era "Emoción"
human history!!!!
old..........to-day I remember all about their
their differences so we can stop being punished
for their child like fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
idolos, todos podran ser idolatrados, pero los
Beatles marcaron una epoca" hhhhhhhhoooo
mine idoler fra den gang