Mafia II TV Ad (Kick in the Head Trailer) [HD]

12 Ağustos 2010 Perşembe, 11:00

1111 izlenme


Ameya Kadam
cant w8

Felix Doberenz
only 24 days left ;-) ... can´t wait ;P

Joni Gesterberg
This is the game i been waiting

Marek Bojanovský
absolutly perfekte video

Krištof Štipák
oh my godness i love this game :-)

Diego Mauricio Alvarez

Vojtěch Kalus
Ja to tak chcuuu :D

William Jackson

Jonathan Merle
Je le veux !!! Je le veux !!! Ahhhhhhh

Carlos Felipe Benavides Marlés

Kyle Haynes
Love it!

Eddy De Faria
Putain trop hâte ....

Pablo Bartoli
E' stupendo...MINCHIA !!!

Daniel Pán Duke
brutálna hra to bude... velmi sa teším... :D

W***i Awan
best game ever!!! even the first one was
unbeatable, this one definately looks more
promising cant wait!!!

Alex Franizzi
I hope the soundtrack is fantastic as the song of
the video:"Dean Martin - Ain't That a
Kick in the Head"...a greeting to all
"picciottu" :)

W***i Awan
Yeah will agree with alex, also the theme classic
jazz for mafia one city of lost heaven was
exceptional hoping for better :D

Michael Gallucci
Can't wait!!!

Hitokiri Lee Battousai
woo cant wait italian pride all the was woo! :D XD

Aaron Tarpine

Patrick Kavanagh
looks more***azing every time i see it, cant wait
for it :)

Sukkey Basi
yeah can't wait to play it guys.

Frederick Jorden
im ready

Shara Ghazarian
im ready for play

Maddle Battle

Hunter Koster
Good old Dean! I'm not listening to any Rock
or Doo-wop. I'm only listening to the

Janero Onetakeking
this is a must have! like me! so add me! haik

Brian Keron
hit it out of the park!

Arturas Rimkevicius

John Burke
i pree order your game god its so hard waiting for
it to come out

Alonzo Rainman Foster
add me

Joey Coulter
i want this

Zack Richard
A song I've long loved for a game I've
long loved.

Ben Bing Spriggs
Hay tony get the concrete shoes this guy is
deserved a lesson and also get a bag its gonna get

Camrin A. Richardson
played the demo. BLEW MY FREAKING MIND

Ian Mancuso
hereeeeeee wwwwweeeee ggggooooo goood godam game

Matthew Sid Pascale
i neeeeeddd this gamee

Eric Bonner
i need this awsomeness

John Bennett
i*** totly giting this game

Jonathan Kelly
when does this come out i pre order yesterday

Ronnie Smith
looks like a bad mtf.....

Isaiah Novak
this is the coolist game ever.Better than Red Dead

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