Mavi Marmara Şehitleri

02 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 10:23

2281 izlenme


مصطفى Uçan
Allah razı olsun. Allah bizlere de nasip etsin
bu mertebeyi (amin)

Muhammad Eisa Jesus

مصطفى Uçan
Step by step to freedom

مصطفى Uçan
خطوة خطوة في حرية

Hajer Hacer
خطوة خطوة نحو الحرية ...
ثابتون و صامدون و على الله

مصطفى Uçan
إن شاء الله

Med FreeMan
جازاكم الله خيرارحم الله
الشهداء الشرفاء الأبرياء و
تقبّلهم في جنّاته خالدينإن
شاء الله

Nadia Belhouari
ولا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ
قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ
اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا ۚ بَلْ
أَحْيَاءٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ
يُرْزَقُونَصدق الله العظيم

مصطفى Uçan
اللهم أمين يا رب

Mustafa El Huseyni
mashaallah.... Im very impressed :(((

M*** Mahmoud El-Azzeh
الله يرحمهم جميعا...والله
يجزيك الخير يا هاجر

Freedom Palestina
We will never forget them,those who gave their
souls for freedom and justice,Rahmatullah

Ackbar Almirante
I don't know what say but may Allah take
with Him all of this beautiful souls.

Süleyman Kurt
Thank you very much Hajer sister, İstanbul -
Gaza - Thnus

Mahmut Özgür Kudüs Demirbaş
Selamun ...........

Cris Prieto كريس
We'll never forget them, our beloved
shahids. The best we can do is follow their fight
for freedom and justice.

Hajer Hacer
Inshallah , Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

Sue Thompson
I*** overwhelmed by the love of our brothers
& sisters who gave their lives & committed
themselves to revealing to the world the TRUTH. It
is with heavy heart & many tears to view this
sad but beautiful video dedicated to these heroes
not o...nly of Palestine & Turkey but of the
world. May they rest in PEACE but live with us
forever as an inspiration to never turn a blind
eye, to do what we can & never give up the
fight for truth, justice & PEACE!Thank you for
creating & sharing the video. Much love &
PEACE from Florida!

Ackbar Almirante
Sue with your permission i will take your comment
to make with them my status... You make me cry
now. Thanks.

Mahmut Özgür Kudüs Demirbaş
نحن واحدة

Lana Whitson
we will not give up!!! if we have to send a ship
everyday!!! end the blockade, end the seige!!!
may we all stand with and die with gaza!!!

Coşkun مليك Arslan
Birruh Biddem Nefdike Ya Aqsa!

Mahmut Özgür Kudüs Demirbaş
نحن اخوة

Cevat Kurt
rabbim onları şehit saymayanları şehit

Coşkun مليك Arslan
Birruh Biddem Nefdike Ya Filastin!

Anas Abudayah
شكراً كثييير فيديو رااائع

Sebahat Poyraz
ey güzel insanlar biliyorum sizin o gun orada
yaptığınız hiç birşey boşa gıtmedi vede
gitmiyecek makamınız cennet olsun

Abu Ezzeldeen Hms
قمة الروعة.....

Ali Mahjoub
دماء الشهداء سماد للارض
فمن غيرها لن تتحرر الاوطان
وللحرية الحمراء باب بكل يد
مضرجة يدق

Gülseren Nefise Küçüksaraç Yemşen
شكراً كثييير فيديو رااائع
اللهم أمين يا رب

Mus Ab Kurt
jazakallah uhti

Mus Ab Kurt
süleyman abi oku inş (derbune derbulmuni)

Lyle Lexier
Quite a lovely Palestinian melody with lovely
Palestinian and Turkish flags and good protests
against the storming of the flotilla to aid the
Palestinian people of Gaza, but there were also
sad scenes of seeing dead and injured Turkish and
Palestinian people.

Fidan Der
şehitlik ne güzel şehit olma ne güzel
rabbim şehadetlerını kabul etsin inşş bizi de
onlara kavuştursun komşu etsin

Brindar Evin
Amin inşallah

Cumali Oral
herkesin allah rahmet elesin

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