Milow - Ayo Technology (Music Video)

02 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 11:07

2302 izlenme


Brigitte Laure

Jochem Herremans
Maar ik snap em niet ... ?? :-)

Caroline Llmnd
I found out a few weeks ago you're Belgian
and I'm so proud of it ! Your music is
awesome ! I'm really happy I'm seing you
live at Alsemberg in a few weeks...

Sybil Ita M
JENZIE AMAI zeg mooi wi!

Helga Glorieux
jen, eindelijk !Ik wil meer van da izo'n
babe da ge zijtspreken we ne keer af soon?Helga,
uwe fan van't eerste uur !

Fenna Vandenheede
Lovin' it!!!

Nadine Marson
He remembers me a bit of Jack Johnson :) And
that's a good point :p

Joachim Beunckens
Prachtige muziekclip met uitstekende vormgeving.

AyŞin AvŞar

Markus Agitator
Great performance, Jen... but the musick sucks,

Nicolas Ramirez
lo mas sensual que he visto en años jaja saludos

Gizem Sezan
that version is so cool...thanx Milow;)))

Nicolas Wernert

Rumeysa DemiraLay
i like it ;))

Koray Tansu İlhan
very nice;)

Bilge Sarıcı
It's better than the original

Luciano D'Aleo
I like this song, Jen is so ***y...I love her!

Serhat Öner
Awesomee ;)

Paolo Curcio 保罗
Milow du bist dieses Lied groß, es läßt mir
sich in meine Gedanken vertiefen und es läßt mir
an die Vergangenheit denken.............

Pete Oni
lucky me!! :) ;) x

Sanja Vucenovic
Dobra je i pesma, i spot, i pevac, i njegov
glas... sve dobro, mnogo dobro. Odlicno! :-)

Glnr Ahmt

Npl Kr
super..very very good....... I ♥ milow

Nevin Kocman

Simona Blatman
check out : Technology : Thank you / Mariaaparaci
videos,an artist paints to this wonderful song by
Milow, truely gorgeous interpretation.

Silke Thalmann
oh, honey, honey... - sweet!

Ameni Menchaoui
fantastic really this is a very wonderful song
thanks milow ♥

Virginie Cliche
super song, music and voice.

Farhood Nishat
one of my fav./././i luv milows voice./././.

Buse Cırıllıoglu
Milow sang this song better than 50 Cent'n
Justin Timberlake((=that version so cute...

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