mor ve ötesi - şirket [HQ]

20 Haziran 2010 Pazar, 08:10

1747 izlenme


Luan Vardar
ekonomik kriz sirketi batirdi :P

Rcp Krkez
ilahi luan :D

Gabriela GuLum
originales o infectados?

Jesús Ignacio Ventura Ruiz
Guys! I love the song, i saw you on ESC and i
don't understand a single word, but still i
love the fact that you keep doing (excellent)music
in your own language. For what is worth i love
your music and will keep mumbling words i dont
understand to your songs xDKeep up the good
workJesús, from Venezuela.

Alexandra Altay
I too don't understand the words but still
really enjoy their songs.

Jasna Vele
Şirket(company)adını bile soramam(even l cant
ask your name)maksadımı aşamam(i cant exceed my
intention)*i dont say much more thing which i want
to say)şiddetin meşru haline bakıp ağlayamam(i
cant cry looking violence's legal
condition)... ne kadar güzel(how
much it is beautiful)ne kadar sıcak(how much it
is hot)ne kadar yakın(how much it is near)o kadar
uzak(that as much as far away)şirket mirket
anlamam(l dont understand company or such like)(l
dont understand anything)anlasam da anlamam(even l
undeestand,i dont understand)(even l seem that l
understand it is not mean that l really
understood)bana saldırıyorsa(if they attack
me)gözünün yaşına bakamam(l cant consider
their tears)(l dont pity)adaleti sarmış
kumandalı bir cinnet(commander insanity surronded
justice)(means television(which has *** commander)
made us addicted to screen.)vahşeti gördüm,
korkmadım(l saw the wildness,i didnt afraid)hasar
yok içimde(there is no damage inside me)maske
takmadan üstüme gelmek zor muydu?(was it hard to
come to me without mask?)*are u afraid of to show
your face?)adı olmayanların sesi de yok mu?(dont
they have a voice who havent *** name?(the people
who are not VIP havent *** a right to say sth,to

Deena Konstantopoulos
one of my favorites,these guys are GREAT...

Aykut Türker
This song is a system criticism. Here's an
alternative translation of the lyrics:Ş İ R K E
T / T H E F I R MAdını bile soramam...
- I can't
even ask your nameMaksadımı aşamam- I
can't be presumptuousŞiddetin meşru haline
bakıp ağlayamam- Violence legalized, I
can't just overlook and cryNe kadar güzel-
So niceNe kadar sıcak- So hotNe kadar yakın- So
closeO kadar uzak- And that far
awayNakarat/Chorus:Şirket mirket anlamam- That
kind of a firm, I won't understandAnlasam da
anlamam- I won't, even if I couldBana
saldırıyorsa- If it is attacking meGözünün
yaşına bakamam- I cannot pityAdaleti sarmış
kumandalı bir cinnet- Justice enmeshed by guided
frenzyVahşeti gördüm, korkmadım- I saw the
ferocity, yet I wasn't afraidHasar yok
içimde- I have no damage insideMaske takmadan
üstüme gelmek zor muydu?- Was it that hard to
come down on me without masks?Adı olmayanların
sesi de yok mu?- Those unnamed, do they have no
voices at all?

Rita Splendora
I love it, even if I don't understand what
they're singing...

Jodie Thomas
You dont even need to understand. theres just a
great feelin ya get from MVO's music :)

Mehmet Ali Çelik
Klip de şarkı da mükemmel !

Daniela Stojanoska
Thank you for the lyrics guys....But I think the
music is more important,we all understand what is
good music....I love this boys,they are the
best!And I think they have the best Eurovison song

Yunus Gören
defalarca dinleyip bıkmayacagım bi şarkıı

Dafne Ned
i hope one day i will see this great group to play
live in stage,in every song i*** finding something
very unique!

Νικολεττα Τριτσι

'-ßarHışȜȝ 웃유 ヅ ךסףן
Yorum Yhoq Fantastic .... xP

Rcp Kerkez

Luan Vardar
ekonomik kriz sirketi batirdi :P

Rcp Kerkez
ilahi luan :D

Luan Vardar

Gabriela GuLum
originales o infectados?

Jesús Ignacio Ventura Ruiz
Guys! I love the song, i saw you on ESC and i
don't understand a single word, but still i
love the fact that you keep doing (excellent)music
in your own language. For what is worth i love
your music and will keep mumbling words i dont
understand to your songs xDKeep up the good
workJesús, from Venezuela.

Alexandra Altay
I too don't understand the words but still
really enjoy their songs.

Jasna Vele
Şirket(company)adını bile soramam(even l cant
ask your name)maksadımı aşamam(i cant exceed my
intention)*i dont say much more thing which i want
to say)şiddetin meşru haline bakıp ağlayamam(i
cant cry looking violence's legal

Deena Konstantopoulos
one of my favorites,these guys are GREAT...

Rita Splendora
I love it, even if I don't understand what
they're singing...

Jodie Thomas
You dont even need to understand. theres just a
great feelin ya get from MVO's music :)

Mehmet Ali Çelik
Klip de şarkı da mükemmel !

Daniela Stanojoski
Thank you for the lyrics guys....But I think the
music is more important,we all understand what is
good music....I love this boys,they are the
best!And I think they have the best Eurovison song

Yunus Gören
defalarca dinleyip bıkmayacagım bi şarkıı

Dafne Ned
i hope one day i will see this great group to play
live in stage,in every song i*** finding something
very unique!

Νικολεττα Τριτσι

Murat Çiftçi

Songül Koçman
Çok aNLamLı...sEviyoRum siZi...

Urša Štrajhar
woooow! I love this group!!! Great!

Katerina Krezia
If you hadn't participated in Eurovision I
would never have known your top quality music and
this makes me deli ! I have always a song of
yours keep on penetrating my mind! I love love
love you guys!!! Hope to see you soon in

TUğÇe SanaLı

BusraNur Ackqz
süpeR ::) .. Ne kdar gzL,Okdr uzak :P

Ayşenur Denkdüven

Kardelen Kuaför

Ferman Morveotesi

Jaime Martinez
Cambaz,,is the best!

Tuğba Yılmaz
şiiiirkeet mirkeeeeeett anlamaaamm :D

Aleyna Arslan
Bu şarkı şirkette çalışıp durarak
kurtulamayanlara gelsin:))))))

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