morning sessions [HQ]
30 Mayıs 2010 Pazar, 14:15
1793 izlenme
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Tracy Burns
31 Ocak 03:10 pm
so cute and brilliant; enjoy the rest of the day
and the week ahead; positive vibes sent your
Stefan Djsonic Koch
31 Ocak 03:26 pm
she´s doin´better then many of the old ones!
Mudr Jupí
31 Ocak 03:31 pm
nice she definitly *** a talent :)
Festi-Robot Deejay
31 Ocak 04:18 pm
good that! New one DJ was born!!
James Johnson
31 Ocak 04:53 pm
Love it! ;)
S-Tek Audiolabor
31 Ocak 06:20 pm
good to see real DJs on the decks. better as every
mp3 set!!!
Lenny Higgins
31 Ocak 08:25 pm
yeah she prefers the vinyl hands on feel !!
Radoslav Novovesky
1 Şubat 4:21 pm
best dj
Berlin Onemanshow
4 Şubat 1:33 pm
einfach nur cool die kleene
Djette Croqeuse
4 Şubat 3:29 pm
wahoo c trop trop choux, une petite qui grande
Djette deviendrA!!!
Ronny Pönicke
4 Şubat 11:59 pm
Geil. Ich bring meinen auch mal vorbei.
Christopher Banson
5 Şubat 2:45 pm
ohhhh ^^
Roel van den Brand
5 Şubat 6:03 pm
Prole Central
5 Şubat 6:06 pm
Vinyl Vinyl...that's the way to do it
Daniela Witte
6 Şubat 12:10 am
wow wenn das meine kleine wäre, hätte ich alles
richtig in der erziehung gemacht :-D
Peggy Lamberty
6 Şubat 01:01 am
einfach nur cool.....hoff meine wird auch mal so!!
Valentina Torelli
6 Şubat 5:19 pm
bravissimaaaaa diventerà un mostro di dj :-)))
DeeJay Needles
7 Şubat 00:40 am
cute ;)
Mates Pynkič Bartek
8 Şubat 0:57 pm
just only twO word ... really exciting... ,)
Julio Vallejo Yopo
9 Şubat 5:10 pm
Ivan Emmanuel Flores Nuñez
10 Şubat 03:01 am
Rok Torkar
11 Şubat 07:23 pm
Awesome.. Techno Queen .) track names plz
Lenny Higgins
11 Şubat 07:56 pm
killabite 1 ben sims ...... dj zank on dj tools
Federica Caldana Edoardi
11 Şubat 09:18 pm
this is umbelieveble!!
Rok Torkar
11 Şubat 09:41 pm
ty :)
Roman Adamec
12 Şubat 12:48 pm
I would like to hear something from this girl on
her late DJ carrier :)
Ronny Festing
12 Şubat 06:20 pm
Booooar so sweet
Katharina Depping
12 Şubat 08:44 pm
Geil ich glaub unsere kleine wird auch mal so da
stehen...........echt Sweet
Felipe Rivera R.
13 Şubat 03:12 am
my god so cute
Siw Stadelmann
13 Şubat 10:43 am
que guay! menuda chiquilla! me mola! :-)
Carolina Roa
13 Şubat 04:24 pm
mira como bailaa.. divina... jejej
Julio Patron ヅ
13 Şubat 09:55 pm
por favor.... pongan el tracklist... jajajaja
Janine Schreiber
14 Şubat 00:18 am
like her moves =)
Dj-Alejandro Sabogal
14 Şubat 01:18 am
eso es mucho orgullo ojala mi hija le guste ser dj
Monica Chalupa
15 Şubat 05:00 pm
kraaaasssss......echt. tja.... das sind indigo
Manfred Schneider
15 Şubat 07:07 pm
Hammer genau soo und nicht anders!!!!!
Simon Paul Sugden
16 Şubat 03:56 am
you must be proud
Oscar Andres Muñoz
28 Şubat 09:11 pm
uufffff que chimba de video lo felicito jejejejeje
Kan Monse
19 Mart 2025 Çarşamba, 08:00
uuoooo***eeeee nooooo maaaaaa, qe envidia :( lo
hace muy bien
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and the week ahead; positive vibes sent your
mp3 set!!!
Djette deviendrA!!!
richtig in der erziehung gemacht :-D
her late DJ carrier :)
stehen...........echt Sweet
hace muy bien