MOZART * Clarinet concert in A major 1

13 Ağustos 2010 Cuma, 05:59

1525 izlenme


Vivian Monfort
I repeated a few times.. fabulous images and

Uwe Ahlgrimm
Nice Photography matching Mozart!

Mercedes Paz-Carty
Love this Clarinet Concert!!! The great quality
of Mozart was his hability to convey deep
melancholy and also great joy, Most of the time in
the same piece. The video images are also
gorgeous. Thank you dear Gianna☼♥Me lo

Darlene Couper
Thank you for this treasure experience for the
eyes and soul.

Theresa Goubran-Keshta
A relaxing presentation of Mozart's Clarinet
Concert in A major1.Thank you, G. Paradiso, and to
my friend Raouf for tagging me...

Betul Ozdemir Anas
harika...Huzer ve serinlik
hissettirdi..tebrikler..yureginize saglik..

Shelby Beach
this. is......EPIC!

Marta Origuela Suarez
Beautiful! Thank you!

Bitucha Vidal
para começar tranquilamente o dia...

Lalana Reankaew

Hayet Ines Guezguez

Dana Valente
Melody and immagine beautiful..thank you

tk's for sharing!

Dominique Hardy

Raouf Dhaoui
lovely melody and beautiful picturing

Perla Braga Cardoso Pinto
I'll share.. beautiful, adorei, adorei..

Cf Chen Chen
Gorgeous music & video!

Marcello Malusà

Mario Sorcinelli
Grazie Serena...grande Amadeus...bellissimo

Lea Ricci
Very nice THANK

Nora Vilma Beltrame

Nora Vilma Beltrame
sin palabras...expectacular...​...

Heini Eräsalo
Beautiful music and pictures.Lovely meditation
moment after a busy day.Just relax and have good
feeling again.I like a lot!!!

Uwe Ahlgrimm
Nice Photography matching Mozart!

Mercedes Paz-Carty
Love this Clarinet Concert!!! The great quality of
Mozart was his hability to convey deep melancholy
and also great joy, Most of the time in the same
piece. The video images are also gorgeous. Thank
you dear Gianna☼♥Me lo robo;-))

Betül Esen Demir
çok teşekkürler bu sıcak yaz akşamında çok
iyi geldi sevgiler

Anneli Tarilo
grazie vostri bellissimi link...sempre molto

Lorena Garcia Garcia
Preciosidad de video acompañado de una
maravillosa música!!... Gracias por tanta

Darlene Couper
Thank you for this treasure experience for the
eyes and soul.

Theresa Goubran-Keshta
A relaxing presentation of Mozart's Clarinet
Concert in A major1.Thank you, G. Paradiso, and to
my friend Raouf for tagging me...

Betul Anas
harika...Huzer ve serinlik
hissettirdi..tebrikler..yu​reginize saglik..

Maria Dolors Van Biezen

Ecologistas Pro-fauna Gea

Shelby Beach
this. is......EPIC!

María Elena Bacolla
Sdoro el 2º movimiento del concierto de Mozart
para clarinete y orquesta. Gracias!!!

Mónica Montes De Oca
ami, je vous remercie est belle, une joie à mon

Maria Del Carmen Castillo
No recuerdo haber aceptado a G. Paradiso como
amigo, posiblemente sea parte de un grupo. Sin
embargo, este video es buenísimo. He disfrutado
mucho el concierto y las vistas son maravillosas.

Zoraida Eglantina Mora Toledo
¡¡grandioso gracias¡¡¡

Fatma Ellez
izninizle paylaşıyorum..

Günfer Tüzemen
çok teşekkürler,harika.:)

Tayfur Gezginci
günaydın ! izninizle paylaşıyorum..sevgiyle ve
de dostça kalınız..

Josep Forment Vasques
es una maravella ,acompanyats de les imatges tan
boniques es un plaer

Monique Peyrache
Oui ! la beautée existe !!! j'ai passé un
instant formidable, cette vidéo, et cette "
Musique" ... encore merci (comme toujours)

Helena Victoria Montana Fort
que paz..♥

Rafael Marcone
Grazie mille cara Gianna, =)))

Marta Origuela Suarez
Beautiful! Thank you!

Sevim Dalgıç Mumcuğ
cok süper eelinize salık.

Silvia Varela
Una de las obras más dulces de Mozart,muchas
gracias Martita!!!Besitos y abrazOM.-

Pina Cellura
Semplicemente.sublime grazie ♥ ♥ ♥

Selmin Unver
Günaydın Gianna,muhteşem eser için

Olga Manero Izquierdo
The power of biggest ( the earth and Mozart )

Silvana Pintore
brano splendido ,l'ho sempre***ato

Aynur Senkos
‎:)teşekkürler sevgili

Fernando Del Pedregal Schulz
Gracias Gianna ,MUY LINDO ,foto y musica . Un
abrazo .

Slaheddine Touibi
merci Gianna c'est une pure merveille!!!!!!!

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