MW3 E3 2011: Hunter Killer Mission Gameplay (Stream) [HQ]

18 Ağustos 2011 Perşembe, 20:10

860 izlenme


Chris Akers
‎1st Awesome as ***

Ricardo Lopes

Kristijan Pavić

Czene Sega Zoltán

Fabi Natale
i cant wait on 8th november ...Fuck !! I wanna
have it NOW black ops gets boring and mw2 too...I
need Mw3 NOOW !!

Luigi Paolo Dino

Dylan Vancovski
i need mw3 now now now

Arda Gazioğlu
nice!! i*** going to pre-order 2day

Arda Gazioğlu
breaches r better

Roscoe Antonio Maymi
Lol at beginning controller turns off plus im
guessing Intel Cheats are coming back cause in
pause it said Demo Cheats

Nick Maurer
looks like the lincoln tunnel in the beginning

Martin Rödig
ohh no g18 -.-'

Quim Pagès Porta
amazing the best cof

Mitchell Hicks
is the tunnel underwater because of global warming

Yorum Ekle

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