New 'Eclipse' clip:Bella,I envy you-

25 Mayıs 2010 Salı, 07:30

1200 izlenme


Daniela DadaNella

Sasha Cullen
wooww ...i don`t hate you....omg

Beezus Caecilia Izabelle

Sharne Glasson
cool but it doesnt look like nikki

Maria Alexaki
cool hair nikki

Cici 'aassttuuppiiddllaammbb
AmaZinG !!!

Tutku Biçer
neden nefret edion ayır deilmii aaa :))

Amy Dojcarova
omg... I ♥ English movies :) (I´m slovak, but i
all understand)

Cathy Tvd

Iro Pattinson

Sonia Laiola
Hello! wa this wonderful clip! I know where you
found this quality? I'm losing my mind since
this morning! please be clear in writing because
I'm Italian and I use the translator! thank
you very much

Stephanie Neamond
omg that was soo awesome please post more if you
have them cant wait til it comes out already ***
my tickets :)

Kye Pontillas
my favorite part of the book..

Beverly Kiewert

Valerie Jalla
‎:D :3 :P

Tay Daydreamer
i live this part ...poor Rosalie ....i wish she
had a choice .....

Beyza Bozbey
hey I want to download this. how can I do ?

Sarah Algerian

Keisha Hirschy

Erarlene Libo-on
‎11 days more to go guys......ECLIPSE...

Lauren Chandler
Ahhh Love it - I think Rosalie is making the
situation harder on Bella I mean put yourself i
her position would you like to be growing old and
changing every minuite of the day unlike the
Cullens she must feel like an outsider until
Breaking Dawn i dont think Rosalie needed to say
that I think Bella knows she has a choice !

Yildiz Windsor
OMG I´m criying...:´)

Alex Baker
OMG, i cant wait

Jenny Mac
Isnt this conversation supposed to take place in
Edwards bedroom when Bella has a sleep over, why
are they in the Kitchen??

Brittney Murphy
I really just don't like Kristen's wig

Jenny Mac
Ha ha Autumn I love the talking on the bed scenes
too at the end of the day they are the bits we are
all waiting for so theyd better not change them
ones LOL!! XX

Diana Lilith Stars
i really hope it goes more into the book.. and not
there own.. story..there are some parts in the
book i do want to this movie.. so far so

Yorum Ekle

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