NEW Eclipse Clip-The Volturi [HQ]

13 Temmuz 2010 Salı, 13:50

1218 izlenme


MariLu Pankeka Snape
Yesssss!!! Happy Rob's B-Day to all! ^^

Beezus 장근석

Charlotte Rose Bonham
hehe, i remember this time last year when loads
people sent in messages and photos and you guys
made a big card, then sent it to RPattz ;D

Karen R. Clark
yay......another scene...I can't wait

Seher Gök
işte bu harika

Katherinne Encina Alarcon
***o el personaje de jane

Seher Gök
bella ve cullenlar a göre öle blki de stephenie
nin anlatmdığı bir kısım

Vesna Markovic

Hanin Joarder Redoy
dakota fannin g iz a great actress

Vicky ჱܓ Georgiou
I Hate Dakota Fanning...

Michelle Waldran Smith
I like Dakota Fanning, I guess. I don't
think she was a good choice for Jane.

Hannah-marie Farrington

Zoe Virginia Etches
haha dakotas just like.. Descisions Descisions
haha ;)

Dilşad Ersoy
alec ♥♥♥♥

Crecentiana Patricia
jean is such a creepy girl...but i LOVE IT!! hER
powers...OMG...:) i wish i could have it..:)

Jodie Bennett
I ♥ Jane!!! ♥

Valeria J St

MariLu Pankeka Snape
Yesssss!!! Happy Rob's B-Day to all! ^^

Beezus Caecilia Izabelle

Charlotte Bonham
hehe, i remember this time last year when loads
people sent in messages and photos and you guys
made a big card, then sent it to RPattz ;D

Karen Rose
yay......another scene...I can't wait

Seher Gök
işte bu harika

Katherine Encina Alarcon
amo el personaje de jane

Neslihan Uygan
iide bu yine kitaba göre olmamaış kitapta
volturiler yeni doğanlar ölünce geliyo allla

Seher Gök
bella ve cullenlar a göre öle blki de stephenie
nin anlatmdığı bir kısım

Vesna Markovic

Hanin Joarder Redoy
dakota fannin g iz a great actress

Vicky Georgiou
I Hate Dakota Fanning...

Michelle Waldran Smith
I like Dakota Fanning, I guess. I don't
think she was a good choice for Jane.

Hannah-marie Farrington

Zoe Etches
haha dakotas just like.. Descisions Descisions
haha ;)

Dilşad Ersoy
alec ♥♥♥♥

Crecentiana Patricia
jean is such a creepy girl...but i LOVE IT!! hER
powers...OMG...:) i wish i could have it..:)

Jodie Bennett
I ♥ Jane!!! ♥

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