NEW Eclipse Scene - Angryward *NOW ON HQ*

26 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba, 19:00

767 izlenme


Melpw Papalexi

Eleutheria Cullen

Melpw Papalexi
y are

Niina Fräntilä
That was so hot..guys fighting over Bella. June
30th is WAY too far away..

Roxanne Creutz
Hum Gorgeous Edward ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥

Eleutheria Cullen
I agree with you I can't say anything to
describe him......

Meiyun Zheng
Love it!!! ♥♥ Can't wait for

Sandra Peter

Katja Velički
iiii can t wait ♥♥♥ i love it

Ruth Bollinger
happy bithday rob we love you

Joana Pereira
loved it...

Mandy Hutchins
oh my i love it when edward is angry so hott

Helen-Riku Uzumakii
ooooooooooOOOO0o OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle Leboutte Hodgson
loves it

Charisse Edwards
back off Jacob, SHE wants Edward!!!!!!

Marie Karoline Ellehammer Hartvig
hehe think i have watched it like 20 times NEVER
gets old!

Emmanouela Vas
rob is so hot!!!!!!!!!

Ruth Ryan

Camila Rocksova Masseroli
Yeah ROB looks***aizing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!

Maria Alexaki
ooo my God♥♥

Daniela Vorphal

Ruth Bollinger
that video is so funny

Ruth Bollinger
jacob is suck a wired but it is so funny who
edward gets mad at jacob for kissing bella

Lucía Finollo
Goshh!! Qué bello Edward!! Qué bello Rob!! Me
encanta... Estoy tan ansiosa!! ;-) Saludos!!

Crystal Leggett
can't wait to watch the whole movie ♥

CindyEs Rush

Crystal Leggett
Robert Pattinson looks so hot in this movie ♥

Crecentiana Patricia
‎@Ruth Bollinger : yeah..jacob is suck!! OMG
i like edward's face when he gets mad..:) so
cuteeeeeeeee..hahahahahaha​ ♥

Tessa Chin
o lawd i just LOVE charliethey couldnt ave ***ten
a better actor to play the part!!EDWARD is soooo
HOTTTTT . they change this part from how it is in
the book though! BELLa wasnt trying to stop that
fight, she well wanted EDWARD to hurt JACO...

Fatima Cacayuran
can't wait to see this movie =)

Mandy Hutchins
i cant stop watching this clip, omg rob is just so
hott, but bella should just shut up lol

ImmaWet ForWhistler
I can't help but watch this over ad over
again! *Swoons over Angryward!*

Caitlin Yaure
OME this just made me love Robert even more...i
swear i really dont know how he does it O_o

Paigee Yovkoff-Reed
Bahahahahahahahaha!!! I'm actually LAUGHING
at a) How Robert sounds. and b) For what the made
Taylor say at the end. Thank God for Charlie, if
he didn't show up, Jacobs head woul be gone!
:) Lol!!

Selen Yayla
jacop çok tatlı yaa

Houssnia El Azouzi
What's Edward saying in the beginning:
"If you touch her ever again..." the
rest is a lil incomprhensible

Rachel Usher
cant wait!!

Anthi Papadopoulou
I can EASLILY ,and trust me WAAAY easily, break
her other arm and punch the ***ing dog in the
face....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR angryward ...♥ *sigh*

Eylem Beşiroğlu
Houssnia, he's saying that, "If you
ever touch her against her will again..." :)

Houssnia El Azouzi
oooh okay thanxx Eylem :D sooo freaking hot

Cynthia Honggo
awesome...~ :))

Dwi Martha Jingga
Please come to Indonesia guys c0z we love you so
much...♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥

Maria Eulalia Gonzalez
I love Angryward!!!! *sighs*

Jhem Regil
love it! ♥ :))

Krushi Jain
is he crying .... :(

Krushi Jain
looks so cute

Zoe Etches
hes so cuteee when hes mad ;) i cant wait for this
scene in eclipse!

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